Patch 1.2.4 Delayed to Tomorrow (also: Race Season Nine items and Melbourne Meetup)

That fish flask...........
They say I'm an astronaut that laughs a lot.
Last edited by Vexellent on Oct 22, 2014, 4:04:07 PM
Until we see final point values per race and number of races/duration, it's probably best to revise judgment. It could be like the season where they introduced Descent Champs (wasn't signature) and getting points was a complete and utter joke, or points in general could be rescaled.
Read my book! The world ending in every way anyone ever thought it might end, all at once. First few chapters are available online for free.
Your QA guys...

One question. These are the same guys that actively play test the game, and get to the end game maps / bosses, get one hit, and say "yup - ready for release"...


Cant wait for Herald of Thunder. Strange it didnt get released with HoA and HoI. O.o
GGG - Why you no?
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PATCH ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
So am I the only fairly-casual player who doesn't get upset by stuff like this? I know it's virtually impossible for me to get the top race rewards (or almost any of them for that matter) given how much time I have to play. And.... I don't care. I mean sure, I'd like to get them. I'd also like to be able to farm Atziri and run around dual wielding Mjolnirs. But it's not going to happen. Some things are built for players like me, some things are built for players who have more time. I have no problem with that. In fact, I like it.
damn was rly hyped for race season prizes but now that I see them rather disappointed hopefully the race season is fun ;/
-Official Forum Dweller-
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alt art? My secret leveling weapon!
Gene Quagmire/Kwagmyr - Parts Unknown
Lifesprig alt art, again, lol.
Hail Thor-show thy might, Let thunder roar and lightning strike! Hurl thy hammer into the fray, And let thine enemies know fear this day!
MajorThor wrote:
Lifesprig alt art, again, lol.

I can't believe how much of a [Removed by Support] some pple can be.... THE FRIKKIN WEP IS POSTED RIGHT ABOVE YOU?!?!

Just as the other 50 posts about Fencoil in this thread.

ofc now he's gonna say he was trolling to hide his stupidity
★ IGN: Pinockio_the_Transexual or PM me on forums ★
Last edited by Support on Oct 22, 2014, 7:48:40 PM
lol why lifesprig race reward again???

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