[2.5] Tempada's Dreamfeather Lightning Flurry Raider: Acro, Alpha's/Blood Dance/QotF, 200k+ DPS

Shadowsama1 wrote:
Is it possible to make a spectral throw build with the same type of gear?

It wasn't right before Ascendancy. I tried to make it work and Spectral Throw was just so bad! Now with the buff... I don't have the right chest colors to give it a proper go, but based on a quick test I'd bet it's viable, just not worth the time when compared to other skills.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Ty for your answer! I will try QoTF + flat eve shild + some ele weapon and little bit different build for spectral throw I guess.
really like how you put different build paths but you should do a quick leveling tree so people who are new. dont mess up
really like how you put different build paths but you should do a quick leveling tree so people who are new. dont mess up

Thanks for the suggestion. So you think I need more than the current description of "fill out the right side of the tree"? There's not really a way to mess up when you do that first. Gearing is probably the toughest part when your level is too low for Dreamfeather.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Last edited by Tempada on Mar 25, 2016, 11:25:39 AM
Just killed piety in merciless, level 67. Dreamfeaters are nice but still struggling because of extreme squishiness. Have just made it to Discipline and Training on the Templar side of tree but thinking I'll respec out of as many offensive abilities as possible in order to sink points into life on Templar side (Quick recovery up next). Also need to buy some nice resist rings I think.. mine are a bit outdated and I'm not at max resists yet.

Also time to try and save up for a 5link QotF, looking at 40-50c cheapest on poe.trade right now, so I've got about 30c to go.
evilstarship wrote:
Just killed piety in merciless, level 67. Dreamfeaters are nice but still struggling because of extreme squishiness... Also need to buy some nice resist rings I think.. mine are a bit outdated and I'm not at max resists yet.

Max resists are really important in Merciless; getting those should be a big help. Are you using Grace, Arctic Armour, Fortify, and a Granite Flask (until you get Taste of Hate)?

Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Hi Tempada,

I ended up going with something different, a dreamfeather chaos cleave raider build. I think it performs better in boss fights due to viper strike, but probably worse in clearing mobs due to having to rely on added chaos damage for most of its damage.

Cleave links are:

Cleave+Multistrike+Added Chaos Damage+Poison+Void Manipulation+Crit Strikes (If I ever get a 6-linked QotF)

Viper Strike links are:

Viper Strike+Added Chaos Damage+Void Manipulation+Crit Strikes

I'm currently at level 71 with this gear and doing tier 6-7 maps quite handily, it'd be interesting to see how it does when maps get harder and when added chaos damage is leveled up more.

Hi, just curious, how comfortable is this build doing higher tier maps? Atziri?
Novalisk wrote:
I ended up going with something different, a dreamfeather chaos cleave raider build. I think it performs better in boss fights due to viper strike, but probably worse in clearing mobs due to having to rely on added chaos damage for most of its damage.

Do you get any physical nodes on the tree? On first glance it doesn't sound terribly efficient since it's harder to stack chaos/physical than elemental damage here, but poison is powerful and it sounds like you're doing well.

I'm currently at level 71 with this gear and doing tier 6-7 maps quite handily, it'd be interesting to see how it does when maps get harder and when added chaos damage is leveled up more.

I'm curious too! Thanks for sharing, and let me know how it goes.

whitified wrote:
Hi, just curious, how comfortable is this build doing higher tier maps? Atziri?

I've cautiously (have to watch out for Vulnerability and the usual culprits like stacked elemental damage and -max resists) gone up to Tier 13 without much issue, although I have really good gear. I'd try higher maps, but I haven't gotten them to drop! Atziri... Honestly battling her is not my thing and I haven't even tried with my Dreamfeather character, but considering that it's a mechanical fight and that this is one of the fastest characters in the game, yeah, I'd say you can do Atziri. I'll have to make a vid of me doing that one of these days.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Tempada wrote:

Do you get any physical nodes on the tree? On first glance it doesn't sound terribly efficient since it's harder to stack chaos/physical than elemental damage here, but poison is powerful and it sounds like you're doing well.

My current tree

Not a lot of phys damage nodes since i'm relying on frenzy charges and dreamfeathers to give me increased damage bonuses (that apply to both chaos and physical).

I splurged some orbs on a 20/20 added chaos damage gem and put it into cleave. It really did make a difference, beat a twinned t6 map boss like it was nothing.

The theory I have is that with lots of chaos attack damage, poison double-dips from void manipulation which makes poison deal a ton of damage. Then I add vulnerability and temp chains to boost poison damage even further.
Last edited by Novalisk on Mar 29, 2016, 7:24:26 AM

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