Combat too simple

Im only talking about combat here, not grinding and other stuff.
I also played Diablo until they nerfed inferno and i got tired of the auction house.
Haven't tried RoS. And i have enjoyed thousands of other games like Dark souls, Withcher etc.
I like many things about PoE, the skill three, races, maps, currency etc. Lot's of creative stuff.
Mivo wrote:
I don't want every trash group to be a boss fight. Slaughtering tons of mobs mindlessly (and looting them) is the essence of this genre.

I don't think anyone is asking for that. For me the game just feels very passive. There are few crowd control abilities or movement skills, and the few that exist are not really fun or efficient to use due to desync or long cast times. The camera zoom and angle doesn't help much either.
mrpetrov wrote:
I'm with tmaciak on this. Having played both extensively now, it's clear that PoE is essentially a stand and deliver experience (which is fine). RoS on the other hand is much more dynamic at higher greater rift levels, you really have to practise and perfect your movement, crowd control and situational awareness (sentry DH's notwithstanding).

In my opinion both games play pretty much the same, it's the game mode here that differs, not the gameplay. If PoE had something like greater rifts you'd also be forced to practise and perfect your movement etc in order to get to higher levels. I'd argue that D3 gameplay feels even less dynamic than PoE's because of the long ass cooldowns on most skills D3 has.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Cooley wrote:

I don't think anyone is asking for that. For me the game just feels very passive. There are few crowd control abilities or movement skills, and the few that exist are not really fun or efficient to use due to desync or long cast times.

Are you running higher level maps with multiple mods, possibly difficult ones? Curses (e.g, Temporary Chains) have no real cast time, Leap Slam uses weapon speed, and Lightning Warp (+ Faster Cast + Reduced Duration) is nearly instant at higher gem levels. Zana quests are also fairly fast-paced usually. I'm not sure what would make a crowd control "fun", though. Diabloesque games all have the same type, and in WoW-style MMOs, everything is fairly slow and hotkey based with long cooldowns and diminishing returns. (I don't really play other action games often, so I don't know about those.)

That's all end game, though. Maybe it's the builds I play, but I never really found the pre-map game all that slow or boring, either. If an area is easy, you just move onto more challenging ones faster.
Again, I feel this goes back to the problem of "good ideas, horrible execution" in endgame mechanics.

At the beginning of the game, it makes a ton more sense to take a second to cast a curse to make clearing a mob group easier, whether through a defensive spell or an offensive spell.

However, later on, speaking as an attacking build (tornado/puncture), it generally goes like this:

1) Main aoe spamming mass-mob-clearing attack
2) Single-target damage attack (if you have one)
3) Auras/heralds in a 4L (completely passive)
4) cwdt setup (you're a masochist if you run without one ASAP)
5) Something miscellaneous here? Curse + FCR + blood magic perhaps? A motion skill?

And you can slice one off of that if you're using a BoR or a Kaom's Heart.

The result is that with auras and cwdt removing two of your skill slots, and it just being far more efficient to simply level the monsters you're shooting at instead of cursing them (or heck, fighting them from off screen), that really cuts down on the dynamic options at your disposal.

Not to mention, it'd be really freaking nice to have a curse that did something really bog simple:

Reduced enemies' damage. I don't mean the rate at which they attack, or their chance to hit. I mean if they hit for X on some big-ass spell, they then hit for X/2 instead. Enfeeble seems to move in that direction, but it applies solely to attacks.
Well,truth is the ome button thingie is all i care for on some chars,for this is the whole point,to maximise the efficiency of a particular skill,which in turns,turns out to be great or not depending on how you build it around.

And its not always one click as you will curse,place a totem and flask yourself out

D3 feels more dynamic,but at the cost of cooldowns on their best skills.Even then you will find people reducing their cd's to spam as they would do here.

Trust me,if you had all time uptime,you would use that only one skill.Why?Because peiple would spam their most efficient skill.

Its the same case on Poe with cold snap.Even if i built a char around it,i would most probably go with another cold skill to be equally efficient.But for my fun factor ill continue using cold snap.

D3 has monster density issues,which actually makes it even less immersive than Poe.Cooldowns adds the illusiom of the 6 button diversity d3 hhas.

If i would give cooldowns to fireball,flameblast and flame surge in order to use them one after another,would make your game more action feeling,when in fact limits your gameplay,when all you want to use is for example flame surge(random picking one)

D3 gives though a movement skill to get in and out of places,one would argue we have here lighting warp,leap slam,whirling blades,But in there you can be safe from harm ,whereas Poe and the make it handles damage ia not the same.Thats why those movement skills,and any movement skills,has the desync curse upon it and people come to use it for travelling,rather than evading stuff.

Both are fundementaly different though,but D3 limiting my gameplay to skills they want me to use essentially,is even worse than having to press a button constantly for a build "I" have given proper thought and see it executed well.
Bye bye desync!
IlyaK1986 wrote:
Not to mention, it'd be really freaking nice to have a curse that did something really bog simple:

Reduced enemies' damage. I don't mean the rate at which they attack, or their chance to hit. I mean if they hit for X on some big-ass spell, they then hit for X/2 instead. Enfeeble seems to move in that direction, but it applies solely to attacks.

Enfeeble does affect spells too. Playing a caster is enough to learn it.

As I see it - the issue cannot be "fixed" since it is related to things like POE skill system - you are limited by the number of gems and links you can have in your gear. Also number of monsters in a pack and their density - having like 15 ranged mobs firing at you at once is rather trivial while in some other games there won't even be that many on the screen. Thus you cannot even hope to rely on manually avoiding most hits and end up just facetanking many if not most of them except in certain boss fights. Effective crowd control might cause lots of discomfort in pvp. And desync will ruin any complicated micromanagement with correct positioning, timing and all.

So it is here - by design and here to stay, though it is sad.
Last edited by mammoth_hunter on Sep 16, 2014, 7:47:54 PM

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