<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC]

Any Character's Name:UndeadMariopipi
How often do you play?:13H a day exept on the day off when i get drunk,
steam says 141.1 hours past 2 weeks
What do you expect from this guild?:to help people in need and be helped, by asking questions on things or early leagues i can invite people to stuff like lab trials challanges etc
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?:Yes same.
Any Character's Name: StevstenRitualR
How often do you play?: couple of hours a day
What do you expect from this guild?: place to talk about the game, chill, giving and receiving help about random poe topics
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes
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Any Character's Name: WispObama (Wisp is my main nickname)
Location: Sweden but can play worldwide with bellow 100 ping
How often do you play?: Almost everyday
What do you expect from this guild?: Somewhere to speak to people and play togheter if needed :)
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: Yes
Other Information (Optional): I dont like Bananas.
Any Character's Name:TookSteel
Location: CT, USA
How often do you play?: couple hours daily
What do you expect from this guild?: interact with people and help out others with anything
Are you aware we only play SC Temp leagues (i.e. NOT standard)?: yes, that's what i play as well
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