Shaco is...

If Shaco going lane he is weak, but if enemy give him some kills, he will turn to same unstoppable machine. Shaco jungle > Shaco lane because he can jungle very fast.
Shaco never really bothers me (well anymore then any other back dooring champs). If i see him i know after the laning phase its time for an oracles just like eve/twitch. JitB nests can be brutal but there not game breaking.

┻━┻ ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Friends Don't Leave Friend's Tables Flipped
Lace wrote:

Anivia vs. Xin Zhao and Tryndamere double lane

I just keep farming, staying out of harass range, slamming one of them with Q if they ever get too brave

Unsurprisingly, they push to my turret

Level 6 tower dive

Xin Zhao bails because he can't take the tower's heat as I kite

Tryndamere stays because he's Tryndamere, uses Mocking Shout and Endless Rage

Just before I die, I wall him in; he can't E because he used it to close range earlier

He kills me under my turret

I turn into an egg

Endless rage becomes bottomless pit of rage

I wish I was good enough to make a story like this happen. =P.

Also, my two friends tried a support Shaco the other day (I think the other one played Ez, not sure), and they had complete control of the bushes bot. It was hysterical. (And they actually did really well too.)
Praise Beta Keysus!

Or else.

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