Shaco is...

mord es #1 huehueheuh
Lace wrote:
mord es #1 huehueheuh

Morde was #1. sadfacesadfacesadface
Balverine wrote:
Lace wrote:
mord es #1 huehueheuh

Morde was #1. sadfacesadfacesadface


Oh well. I love loads of champions.

If the enemy wants to load up on mages for some reason, I've got both Kassadin and LeBlanc (what's the chances of both of them being banned?), I own all the tanks, and... well... I have at least like, 3 champs to fill every role.

Feels good to counterpick all day.
Lace wrote:
Balverine wrote:
Lace wrote:
mord es #1 huehueheuh

Morde was #1. sadfacesadfacesadface


Oh well. I love loads of champions.

If the enemy wants to load up on mages for some reason, I've got both Kassadin and LeBlanc (what's the chances of both of them being banned?), I own all the tanks, and... well... I have at least like, 3 champs to fill every role.

Feels good to counterpick all day.

Yeah, same. I own like at least 75% of all the champions, if not more :P

Been playing just Dom with friends every now and then. Akali does not give care.
I'm a support player. I play a mean Janna, but I'm still trying to pick up Alistar and Taric and basically every other support. And Anivia on the side, because why not? ;D.
Praise Beta Keysus!

Or else.
Lightwind wrote:


"So I walled Olaf in with fiddlesticks cause I thought he was gonna kill him..."
Last edited by Balverine on Sep 30, 2011, 4:23:21 AM
Balverine wrote:
Lightwind wrote:


"So I walled Olaf in with fiddlesticks cause I thought he was gonna kill him..."

Heh, wall is my favorite move by far. Except I suck at it, so I'll normally wall in melee champions next to me and proceed to get the shit kicked outta me. ^_^;.
Praise Beta Keysus!

Or else.
Rammus when he's got his nike's on
Last edited by NetworxSniper on Sep 30, 2011, 1:57:23 PM
Lightwind wrote:
Heh, wall is my favorite move by far. Except I suck at it, so I'll normally wall in melee champions next to me and proceed to get the shit kicked outta me. ^_^;.

Anivia vs. Xin Zhao and Tryndamere double lane

I just keep farming, staying out of harass range, slamming one of them with Q if they ever get too brave

Unsurprisingly, they push to my turret

Level 6 tower dive

Xin Zhao bails because he can't take the tower's heat as I kite

Tryndamere stays because he's Tryndamere, uses Mocking Shout and Endless Rage

Just before I die, I wall him in; he can't E because he used it to close range earlier

He kills me under my turret

I turn into an egg

Endless rage becomes bottomless pit of rage

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