perpetus beartrap question

quarague wrote:
So to summarize:

-Bear trap prevents movement, but can be avoided by using movement skills if you notice it fast enough, traps are visible for a 'short' time according to the wiki, I think it is less than a second, so you need to quite quick to do that, especially if you use lightning warp which has an additional delay time
You're combining two different points here. Yes, bear trap prevents movement but you can use movement skills while being stuck in the trap. If you are still under the effects of the trap after you use a movement skill, you still won't be able to walk.

The second point is that yes, you can see them for a split second on the ground before they arm, and using that knowledge have the opportunity to avoid stepping in one.

Funny, I've known area skills can destroy untriggered traps but never thought to use them at Perpetus. I avoid him while questing. Sometimes test myself against him while farming/leveling up. At a certain point he becomes trivial because I can outleech the damage his traps do so I just ignore them.
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