[2.3] Shakk's Cyclone Build. A story about a man and his fists.

Why do you spend 2 points in "Crusader" and "Enforcer"?

Gumby007 wrote:

This is the same as your level 100 build but sacrifice 5% life for 25% physical damage
Rullmihr wrote:
Why do you spend 2 points in "Crusader" and "Enforcer"?

Gumby007 wrote:

This is the same as your level 100 build but sacrifice 5% life for 25% physical damage

I spoke to him ingame, he did it to get the str he lost, but I moved those points to getting +effect on auras instead since that would boost your dps and survivality abit, check the edited OP for that lv100 build.
Last edited by ShakkaFL on Sep 8, 2014, 4:01:02 PM
Ah, ok. That makes sense. Even though I dont imagine that you need the extra str?

I am thinking about using GCP on my future lvl 20 gems:
Added fire damage
Faster Attacks and
Melee Physical dmg

However I'm wondering what the difference is between:
"increased physical dmg" and "more physical dmg".

I'm sure it makes a difference between the DPS outputs. I was hoping that a lvl 10/20Q Melee Physical Damage gem was equal to a lvl 20 MPD with no Q as it takes quite a while to get them to lvl 18-20.

Rullmihr wrote:
Ah, ok. That makes sense. Even though I dont imagine that you need the extra str?

I am thinking about using GCP on my future lvl 20 gems:
Added fire damage
Faster Attacks and
Melee Physical dmg

However I'm wondering what the difference is between:
"increased physical dmg" and "more physical dmg".

I'm sure it makes a difference between the DPS outputs. I was hoping that a lvl 10/20Q Melee Physical Damage gem was equal to a lvl 20 MPD with no Q as it takes quite a while to get them to lvl 18-20.


Nah the STR is not needed, thats why I moved the nodes about.

DPS difference for me between 20/0 melee physical and 20/20 is about 1300dps, very marginal. I'm not exactly sure what they mean by the tooltip, but I think its additive as in 10% extra physical damage.

For Added fire difference between 20/0 and 20/20 is about 400dps.

I don't have any 20/0 faster attacks to test, but it should be the better one to GCP first.
Last edited by ShakkaFL on Sep 9, 2014, 6:06:24 AM
So when ever something is "Increased" or "Decreased" all of those percents are added together then multiplied to your damage. anything that is "More" or "Less" is multiplied separate.

So if you have 100 damage base and 20% increased and 30% increased and 50% more damage you get:
100 * 1.5 (increased) = 150 damage
150 * 1.5 (more) = 300 damage

but if all three were increased and nothing was more then you'd get
100 * 2 (increased) = 200 damage.

I am not sure how "More" stacks because you get 600-1000 More from your gloves + more for MPD gem + more from Concentrated effect....I don't know of those all get added then multiplied or if they multiply off of eachother for exponential increases...I think it's the latter because just taking off MPD or Concentrated effect are massive decreases in damage.

ALSO: your updated level 100 tree still has enforcer and crusader, it doesn't have all the changes we talked about in game.
Last edited by Gumby007 on Sep 9, 2014, 9:59:07 PM
Gumby007 wrote:

ALSO: your updated level 100 tree still has enforcer and crusader, it doesn't have all the changes we talked about in game.

Right, well was only moving them to 2 5% health nodes anyway.

I'll post a few alternative trees, based on bit more block, less health and endu charges. Also working on a budget version of the build.

Also Blood Rage Hype
Last edited by ShakkaFL on Sep 10, 2014, 9:45:31 AM
I am having problems clearing stuff at level 60 due to desync, are there any other skill possibilities that have high DPS? Not feeling infernal blow, overused.

Cyclone is amazing when it hits, but then you /oos and you are in some corner trapped with monsters.

Last edited by LostBearz on Sep 10, 2014, 11:05:43 AM
LostBearz wrote:
I am having problems clearing stuff at level 60 due to desync, are there any other skill possibilities that have high DPS? Not feeling infernal blow, overused.

Cyclone is amazing when it hits, but then you /oos and you are in some corner trapped with monsters.

You get used to not targeting monsters with cyclone, it's always better to target the ground or shift click cyclone to avoid desyncing.

As for other Facebreaker abilities.. there's Dominating Blow and Frenzy and neither are as good as Cyclone.
I also got problems surviving, I got +3,3k life around 18kdps at level 64 and people at Lunaris temple nearly one shot me with capped resistances, whats wrong? :/

I kill in like 1-2 shots and bosses just few spins, but mostly I can't hit people even if I go straight trough them and as I've just /oos. It's pretty weird and annoying

Last edited by LostBearz on Sep 10, 2014, 12:36:59 PM
LostBearz wrote:
I also got problems surviving, I got +3,3k life around 18kdps at level 64 and people at Lunaris temple nearly one shot me with capped resistances, whats wrong? :/

I kill in like 1-2 shots and bosses just few spins, but mostly I can't hit people even if I go straight trough them and as I've just /oos. It's pretty weird and annoying

Hmm can you post your gear?

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