Flay' Flicker Finder - 800,054 DPS, 50/390MF, fast clear speeds. [New pics in MF gear/FAQs]

korzasa wrote:

What do you think about this Item? Seems great for me... especially when I cant afford a Shav in my life anyways...

You will have too little ES to survive with that. It will also cripple your mana, disallowing you from using several auras on mana (meaning you miss out on HUGE boni), and limiting your mana pool size which decreases the time you can keep flickering.

A big mana pool really makes a huge difference when it comes to actual DPS, and often also survivability. I'd advice you to just get a 5L chest with decent ES instead.
I was typing and saw that Joel answered the question perfectly.

You can run a 4l es or hybrid ar/es chest for cheap with high es that is easy to color RRRG until you get a real chest in the end. Just stay CI and you will do well. But that chest hurts us more than it helps.
~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~
~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~
What you think about taming ring?
I like the taming.

I think it could be a good complement to my andvarius. It would be pretty insane damage on someone like dominus where we need a little more damage.

I am not sure how the increased damage is calculated. It could give us up to 50% increased damage with 3 shocks, a freeze and a burn on the enemies. Is increased damage a different multiplier than increased attack damage amnd increased elemental damage?

I think I will pick one up and see if the extra freeze and shock chance, and damage on bosses is worth losing the flat phys, accuracy and the mana and iir on my current ring.
~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~
~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~
I guess it works different, since i tried with dual redbeak rusted sword to cast RF for crown bonus, it didnt multiple by %200.
Hey man, I'm nearly 90, still playing Poutsos specc with some little changes. Playing double CWDT+Immortal Call (one 20, 20 and one 1, 3 combination)

Works really fine.

No reflect map = playing

got that beast with nice stats (high crit, low phys taken 40-50 possible)

phys reflect with

One of the best ones on dom. nearly perfect stats.

Never got any problems on each reflect maps or rares or thorn-shrines. 14% leech are awesome.

Can't wait on shavs. I'm at 35 Exalteds again and getting fast more for my Shavs.
Hey, do you have any other advices about leveling gear? Like maybe some good Uniques? I have a mightflay now but what else is good to get?
Sblak wrote:
Glad you got the hard parts down. Good luck on a dagger and the shield. When you get everything and try it out, let me know how it goes.

RF is dangerous. Like playing with fire. But fun. I always was a pyro.

If you are not quite where you want to be, remember that quality gems help significantly.

Man the chrome war i had to go true!

getting chest to right colour 450ish
shield 260ish
head 350ish

i got everything except a dagger and melee physical damage. Dagger is gonna be the big problem. Very hard to find a dagger =(
Ign Cuttaraa/Nuzebel/dohmynamewontfi
korzasa wrote:
Hey, do you have any other advices about leveling gear? Like maybe some good Uniques? I have a mightflay now but what else is good to get?

Some great leveling gear:

A 4l chest of your choosing (preferably with life and resists)
Mighflay dagger
Crest of Perandus shield (amazing 40% block rate)
Goldrim helm(40% all res)
Meginord or Wurm's Molt belt
Amulet and rings with physical damage and other nifty stats like life and resists
Slitherpinch gloves (Ondar's Clasp are great to use before then)
Wanderlust boots until you can use Blood Dance (to not get killed by Blood Rage as easily)

I think that's all I tend to use. I tried using dual mightflay, but I got maybe 10% more DPS, but lost an enormous amount of survivability, so it really wasn't worth it. Keep in mind that most of these items are good for pretty much any character you're leveling, so no need of getting rid of them afterwards. These items should last you until 60-something when you get your proper gear. I used all of this through Fellshrine in Merciless and was just tearing up mobs, despite my weapon being 30 levels old.
Thanks for advice, funny that except Blood Dance boots i´m using exactly the gear you suggest in you post :) Yeah Perandus and Goldrim helm are so freaking op...

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