Ban the person above you

^ banned with a strike of lightning and clap of thunder for angering the Fae
Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here:
^Banned for treating a high-protein person with disdain.

Here's looking at ya, Pussycat!

Dragon's Eyes

How she moves, with panthered, deadly grace
Greymalkin once, and Puss and Pounce and Bast
And strides the Earth with stately regal pace
This Goddess of the first and now the last.
A creature ancient, ancient as the world
With gaze that sees the living world as prey
'Till Armageddon's final bolts are hurled
She holds the hearts of mankind in her sway.
She wears her coat as weapons wear a sheath
Her power and her terror barely veiled
A cloak to mask the spirit deep beneath,
And sits, and waits and watches, serpent-tailed.
A beast of faerie then, in other wise
That stares at me with golden Dragon's eyes!

Eggy pretends to be a writer sometimes. Pathetic, isn't it?
banned for *wat da fuq did i jus' read...*

GGG - Why you no?
^ Banned - for being kinder to Eggy than his critics usually are (Don't encourage him, maybe he'll go away!)

P.S. I fink its one of dem poyim fings wot they puts in der fancy buks in der liberery

Fine then, banned for having terrible taste in everything.
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
^ banned for banning the person who posted that nice poem (as in Eggy's poem post).
Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here:
^Banned for being too easily manipulated by poetry.
crispylove wrote:
^Banned for being too easily manipulated by poetry.

^banned for misspelling pottery.
12/12/12 - the day Germany decided boys are not quite human.
^ banned for not knowing the word "poetry"

crispylove wrote:
^Banned for being too easily manipulated by poetry.

^ banned for saying I was manipulated by poetry.
Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here:
Last edited by Faerie_Storm on Dec 6, 2012, 3:52:38 PM
^ Banned for NOT being manipulated by poetry. (Think I'm losing my touch...)

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