Supporter Pack Shirt Poll

Which shirt design do you prefer?

Black with Path of Exile logo
White with Tabula Rasa linked sockets
Give me both, why try to pick and choose? I want it all
I already have a logo shirt so bring on the Tabula Rasa!
triada13 wrote:
I more like black one with logo.
How about black/brown shirt with part of skill tree on it? :)

I'd like that too, but if they're still making changes to the tree I dunno how practical that is =P
My Dervish guide:
I like them both equally so im not voting.

And +1 to tabula rasa sockets/links being too small.
IGN: KoTao
I'd wear the hell out of that white shirt. It isn't direct, which gives it a lot of appeal, and is quite stylish. White suits me better than black, considering I'm pale and not an emo kid.

Could wear it with a cardigan in black, it would look perfect. I'd rock it.
I think they are both beautiful, but I think the Tabula Rasa is just too fun and clever to pass up.

Whatever makes it, would it be possible to get the shirts made using fair labor practices?(i.e. not slave labor like most) This would really push me in the direction of getting one, and if not I'll pass. More importantly it would help make the world a better place in just one more way.(which this game already does just by existing! :D )
And My Giveaway Pages:
+1 for black Tabula.
gotta 6L my alarm clock so I can finally get up for class.
IGN: _Jacky
As long as the Tabulsa Rasa socket one can come in black, I'll vote for it.
I have more battle scars than the number of hairs on your ass!
Time Zone: CST -6 (Texas)
The white

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