T17's Are Complete and Total Design Failure

t17 are just awfull, specially in a gsf/ssf. it's supposed to be a bridge to uber content but it's just a wall instead.

Uber are mostly skill based, those t17 are just gear check or chaos orb check. Please get uber fragment elsewhere or just nerf the custom mods.
cursorTarget wrote:
They introduced T17s before this league, what are you talking about? T17s are community made content where supporters have ability to choose map mods in editor on the web site. They tried to make the maps as difficult / fun as possible.

You are talking about Valdo's Box maps.

This thread is NOT about Valdo's maps, but about the 5 new purple T17s which were introduced this league.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
yeah valdos are different. They don't gatekeep easier content xD
whoever designed this did not complete the content. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Apr 22, 2024, 5:34:32 PM
idk why they cant just have t16 mods. and none of this bullshit, its dumb and everyone just rolls past them anyway l0l
cursorTarget wrote:
They introduced T17s before this league, what are you talking about? T17s are community made content where supporters have ability to choose map mods in editor on the web site. They tried to make the maps as difficult / fun as possible.

why do you feel the need to comment on stuff you know nothing about?
Zandafolf wrote:

- Player Agency : All of this leads me to my final point, which is that player agency is nowhere to be found.

Agency means "you're making decisions, like when you go a grocery store, you can choose between apples or oranges", or to put it another way, capacity to act, and the manifestation of this capacity.

I'm not sure what you thought it meant.

What you're describing here is an old GGG trope, more akin to "the mobs are playing the game for me".

It's a huge reason people quit the game- mobs should not be removing your agency nor should they be stunning, freezing, slowing, rooting, or petrifying you.
I did ubers many times before and I feel like I already have a character that could kill majority of them this league...but I am unable to kill a single T17 boss, as I don't feel my skill has anything to do with completing the map. It's horribly unfun and whoever thinks this is a "bridge" between pinnacle bosses and ubers must be high. Please just rework the whole T17 if it's even to stay, cause the idea might not feel that bad, but the bosses are poorly designed and the mods are just ridiculous.
Its not just the t17 maps they have design failed either,

The syndicate changes are bad
The lab craft removal is bad
Removing the master missions from the map device
New scarabs badly implemented and are poor replacement for the sextants
Removal of LMB for skills
The necropolis league mechanic is badly implemented
and so much more...

GGG have sucked all the players agency/customisation out of the game,

Its very disappointing to see the development of the game go backwards.
Last edited by wi5pa1 on Apr 19, 2024, 4:25:38 AM
i hate T17s i think they should be removed, i feel like im just wasting my time in T16s farming pennies when T17s exists

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