Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

is there really nothing about performance
the bald man approves
Wait so no sanctum balanced ? Sadge
Anomalous, Divergent and Phantasmal Quality Gems have been removed from the game. Existing alternate Quality Gems now have the base Quality effect found on the respective Gem.

This change kills 90% of standard builds for 0% benefit to league players.

Is there any way this change can be reconsidered for standard?
"Anomalous, Divergent and Phantasmal Quality Gems have been removed from the game. Existing alternate Quality Gems now have the base Quality effect found on the respective Gem."

Awful decision. Could have just kept the alt gems, lab enchants, etc. and then add the new gems you spoke of

Why remove Metamorph?

Removing Perandus was a mistake

Removing Prophecy and Metamoprh especially were mistakes.

Prophecy allowed you to modify your maps in a somewhat deterministic way. Frogs, rats, tempests.

Perandus gave you a chance to get a unique deterministically.

Metamorph gave you more challenging mobs that you can get in a map and gave you an extra boss you can fight on top of another boss you can fight later with combining the pieces.

Removing alt gems from Heist makes no sense either. Like, why? Legitimately, why? They can't keep it on top of adding new content?

There is no reason to remove previous content considering the engine CAN handle it and the devs stated multiple times that it can. Runescape for instance has content that is still in the game that was released back in 1998.

The whole "league popularity" argument makes no sense either and sounds like another easy cop-out reason to remove content.

Like I legitimately don't understand these decisions. It's not content bloat, this is just an easy cop-out way for you to remove more content that your team would have to keep track of in upcoming updates.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Last edited by MLGonthorian on Nov 30, 2023, 5:35:36 PM
my poor ashes
Nice ! This will make my day
so no performance update? or any mention of it in patch note?
Deadeye not nerfed ? Pathfinder not nerfed ? Assassin not buffed ? Tornado shot not nerfed ? Enraged strongbox not nerfed ? Why ? Seriously.

Tired of tornado shot deadeye and pathfinder meta; but I need to accept that the long lost good times where patch notes felt like Christmas are gone.

Also the league mechanic seems very underwhelming, basically a combination of delve + ghosting... two horrendous mechanics, yay.

Disappointment as usual, but I guess this league tops it all. Had so much hype but you made it disappear in an instant with the approach you're taking.

Shouldn't have bought an mtx this month, but I'll be sure not to do it again.

/an unhappy customer
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Last edited by Senju_Hyoketsu on Nov 30, 2023, 5:53:24 PM

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