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Checking in on PoE: What happened to Exalts???

Yep same problem. Logged in again, and this is my currency:

Pretty great I guess...
exalts are no more.

even from aesthetic point of view exalts are so much cooler looking than divines. i have an exalted tshirt that is now worth 10 times less thanks to mister wilson.

they shouldve just let people exchange their exalts to divines in vendor prior to patch change. i was forced to blow something like 600ex in metacrafts and some of the items are not finished because id have to annul and pray...
The best thought to remain a sane standard player is, "I'm still way better off than if I was starting a new account."

P.S. I agree that Mr. Wilson's argument that it was my own fault for not diversifying my wealth is braindead stupid. I had plenty of diversification, my huge stack of exalts is still poop now, @##$%^$#. Oops, I forgot, "I'm still way better off than if I was starting a new account." (Okay I'm better now. ;-) )
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Mar 22, 2023, 3:33:12 PM
You have to love all these fanboy excuses : "you should've diversified" , " it's your fault for hoarding" "standard means nothing anyway"...Meanwhile they can't rub two divines together or just don't play standard at all.Like having a bunch of alt arts , a bunch of legacy items and tens of stash tabs of valuable items somehow justifies them turning the main trading token into 1/5 the value.Like years of enduring all sort of weirdos in trade , to get exalts , from the time when posting in forum was the way to make your item known,means nothing.What game has ever done this to it's loyal player base?!How can anyone , that had more than just a couple of hundred exalts, ever trust , that the next thing they make 10 c are not divine orbs , after you gather a few thousand?It's like playing a ladder on diablo ,for 8 years, only to have all your ber runes turned into el runes. "It's your fault you needed to exchange" ..Am I freaking playing a video game or playing the stock market?!.Played the game for years with a bunch of 3ed party softwares a bunch of trade site windows opened on 2 diferent sites and so on.And this is the result.You go on holyday?That's not allowed.The sweaty moguls ?! They knew , 100% they knew way before and got to change all the exalts.
I don't understand how the developer thinks it's a great ideea to DIRECTLY interfere in the ingame market on such a scale after so many years.
How am I or anyone that has any sort of dignity ever play this game without the constant thought in the back of their heads that they are gonna cuck you hard again?There was no good will gesture like turning everyones exalts into divine orbs or something no sort of redemtion of giving exalts some other fucnction that makes them at least 50c ANYTHING! "It's ok now you can exalt more items" When was the last time you picked up something from the ground and thought "this is great to slam" Who was slamming anyway?!

It's just the most unfair thing they ever did to standard league , they obviously hate that people don't play their amazing leagues , even tho most were playing leagues as well.

Thank god currency tabs can hold 5000 of each otherwise people would think that they have to diversify.So mixed signals all around and not a single word of good will since the change.

I strongly believe in market forces , inflation , small or not so small uncontrolled things or unintened things that change the value of things.But like a ponzi scheme that finally came crashing down and only the ones at the top won again.
Last edited by JKlupper on Mar 22, 2023, 9:53:46 PM
Isn't standard a graveyard anyways lol? Not like the gatherings after a couple of leagues matter much in this dead place anyways.
The only active trading in standard is the shady rmt mirror item market and nobody else really cares about much cause people have their fun during a new league.
Hard to believe that people still wail after their "wealth" even after 8 months.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Mar 23, 2023, 8:49:27 PM
Pashid wrote:
Isn't standard a graveyard anyways lol? Not like the gatherings after a couple of leagues matter much in this dead place anyways.
The only active trading in standard is the shady rmt mirror item market and nobody else really cares about much cause people have their fun during a new league.
Hard to believe that people still wail after their "wealth" even after 8 months.

I play standard most of the time. I was in game today and trading for catalysts. I spent about 500 chaos and the trades were quick and easy. Sanctum was such a terrible league for melee that I've spent the league in Standard leveling up old characters and running blight maps, running rituals, doing heists and improving/updating the guys that are fun to play.

For the most part recent leagues have not been worth spending much time in.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Pashid wrote:
Isn't standard a graveyard anyways lol? Not like the gatherings after a couple of leagues matter much in this dead place anyways.
The only active trading in standard is the shady rmt mirror item market and nobody else really cares about much cause people have their fun during a new league.
Hard to believe that people still wail after their "wealth" even after 8 months.

You'd be surprised but there are actually people in the world beyond you and your circle.

Avoiding negative impact of div swap was totally within GGG power, it wouldn't have taken lots of work. Like making metacrafts cost 1 ex + 1 div, making other popular benchcrafts cost 1 ex, or adding new (much rarer than 6L) vendor recipes to get 1 div, or instead do not delete harvest div-like reroll crafts (make them more expensive if needed), or adding new div div cards, to bring them on par with ex cards.

People may not notice it, but I've never criticized technical bugs, lags or other things that would take great effort for a team to fix. All things I've ranted about are trivial to fix without detracting from those who enjoys current rails of the game. People arguing against merely adding alternate options "because they want all others to have it as hard as they themselves chose" really show more about themselves than about point of discussion.

And in case GGG themselves are using that kind of logic internally, as in "we are hardcore, those who disagree are just lacking in skill and are beneath us", well, I feel pity for them.
I'll give you the correct short answer to what happened with Exalts.

GGG wants to reward the 1% and make the game harder for the rest of us. Thus they take away cheap Divines that "casuals" use to reroll their gear and shift the loot to the 1% who find or craft the good stuff since rerolling is not feasible any more.

There you go. And in case you were wondering...I am not a fan of the change.

Regarding Standard, I do not think that GGG should worry too much about Standard because leagues are what makes the game, but that being said it really sucks for those players. Big time.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Mar 24, 2023, 3:23:39 AM
MrWonderful99 wrote:

Regarding Standard, I do not think that GGG should worry too much about Standard because leagues are what makes the game, but that being said it really sucks for those players. Big time.

Leagues are what makes the game only because GGG intentionally doubled down on that, trying to squeeze more retention from people wasting extra time regrinding characters from scratch again and again and again.

It was their decision to use standard only as dump ground without trying to build anything on it. Who can say if this decision was beneficial to them or not, from financial point of view. Having to make new league content every 3 months probably grew somewhat more tiresome than they thought years ago :)
Echothesis wrote:

Leagues are what makes the game only because GGG intentionally doubled down on that, trying to squeeze more retention from people wasting extra time regrinding characters from scratch again and again and again.

It was their decision to use standard only as dump ground without trying to build anything on it. Who can say if this decision was beneficial to them or not, from financial point of view. Having to make new league content every 3 months probably grew somewhat more tiresome than they thought years ago :)

Why do you always argue from a negative standpoint without knowing or understanding what really happened?
This might make sense in your head but you are deadwrong - again.

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