3.20.0 Hotfix 5

There has been a patch that you need to update to. Please restart Path of Exile.

^After multiple attempts
Same issue

2022/12/10 19:58:09 45484046 890d9d5f [INFO Client 20424] Async connecting to dal01.login.pathofexile.com:20481
2022/12/10 19:58:09 45484062 890d9cd8 [INFO Client 20424] Connected to dal01.login.pathofexile.com in 16ms.
2022/12/10 19:58:09 45484390 3c73aae7 [INFO Client 20424] There has been a patch that you need to update to. Please restart Path of Exile.
2022/12/10 19:58:09 45484406 5570c09f [INFO Client 20424] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.
Last edited by bzdevil on Dec 10, 2022, 8:01:26 PM
I can't get in the game and it doesn't download patch :(
fix hideout decorations of all magnitudes.
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
still having this issue as well
IGN: HueHueHue_HueHueHue
It brokey the game :(
same issue , let me in!
patch needs a patch :)
still the same issue. any updates pls?

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