3.19.0c Patch Notes and Update on Community Feedback

Just revert the base quan/rarity bonus for league specific monsters. There's no loot at the moment.
Please reconsider the 32:9 aspect ratio decision...
*Never forgetting how good this game looked at 32:9 instead of 1/3 of my screen being black bars.*
Eager to see the post tomorrow.
Thank you!! For nothing, literally nobody has complained about the "campaign" aint nobody caring about acts theres no issue with them apart from having to do them every league over and over again.
This is absolutely amazing to hear, keep buffing our loot, nerf the monsters and we will be happy!
item drops GOT to be fixed.
I have never had this low of amount of regular currency.
Feels like the Archnemesis modifiers changes the type of loot to like "Drop X rare" or "drop X uniques" this in combination with less rares overall makes the amount of currency drops more or less 0.
Did 8 Tier 8+ maps yesterday without a single chaos or alchemy orb. Wich is just wrong.
just no, please give back the poe i once loved
Why did you guys kill my favorite hobby
no change to currency drops, so all those better armour drops are useless as I can't actually modify them to fit my build whatsoever? Cool. Thanks, GGG. As unwilling to actually fix your mistakes as you have been since 3.15

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