[3.19] DO NOT USE - Fuzzy Duckzy's Lightning Strike Raider - Great League Starter

socket color, Green, Blue, Red, GGGG is 4x green socket etc
Wizz_Fizz wrote:
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but why a Silver Flask if speccing into Onslaught (Rapid Assult) in the Raider passive ascention?

we respec out of rapid assault later on
Haevnatt wrote:
What about The Interrogation ? is worth it? looks a good defensive and offensive item

We can get 50% shock and tons of chill so I think it is a bad gem for the build but some people do use it
SpaksO_O wrote:
Thanks for the guide, the build is very cool. But I need help with survivability on the guards. ITs take all 6 portals for me to kill Veritania or Baran because they oneshotted me. Can someone tell me what to do?

Can you post a POB I can take a look but ensure you have Grace, Immortal call with CWDT, Life on gear, life and mana gain on hit. You cannot tank their telegraphed attacks so you do still need to dodge their wind up attacks
emss05 wrote:
https://pastebin.com/UJizhDA9 gonna get better claws but what would be next best stuff to upgrade? i have like 30 ex to spend now. Also i put this together in rush so probably lot of mistakes. Single target is a bit of a problem.

Not having crit chance on your claw is reducing your damage a lot as everything scales off your weapon crit chance

I would also drop vaal warchief and just run the normal one. This will mean your Vaal LS comes back quicker

Also you thread of hope does not seem to do anything in your POB so would consider putting something else in there. As you are only at 47% block chance I would probably drop the block wheel and path down the attack wheel instead

I would also drop vaal grace and run normal grace as this again will steal souls from Vaal Lightning Strike. I would do something like this (replace life craft with % ES of maximum life) and take ghost dance.

Also change poison mastery for elusive effect. Check the masteries in this pob as I have changed a few:https://pastebin.com/0M9E5b3x
meip wrote:
Hi!, thx for guide.

Im trying do the build , but i cant search 1 helmet with enchant anger. Isnt at standar league ... Oo.

Are you searching the right helmet as it is now "increased Mana reservation Efficieny" and not reduced mana reserved
ConsPark wrote:
Is there a way to free up enough mana to comfortably run Anger without an Anger helm enchant? If not, the aura reserve cluster north of Ranger seems extraneous.

You can get the reservation on an amulet. If you cannot get either you would probably drop Herald of Ice and maybe run defiance banner

Where do you find a cap block chance? In pob I see only just 27%
Thanks mate, this was a great build/guide to play with.
Hello Fuzzy

I saw your video and build and I tried to get almost the same gears you have and I feel the speed on which I hit and the dmg is nowhere near what I see in your twitch or videos, can you help me check it out please? Below is my PoB



Last edited by Adrazazael on Nov 18, 2021, 4:19:30 PM

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