[3.25 READY] Versatile Combatant Impale Shield Crush - Crush the Atlas - SSF Compatible

I don't think I'm really following the guide anymore, but the guide is how I started a couple leagues ago. Here is where I'm at this league.


61 mil DPS 80/80/80/75 res 50/50 block
charlsss wrote:
I don't think I'm really following the guide anymore, but the guide is how I started a couple leagues ago. Here is where I'm at this league.


61 mil DPS 80/80/80/75 res 50/50 block

Thanks for sharing! I'm going to see what all I can use from this for updating the PT version. I swear you need a PhD in this game to remember every little piece of it.
I’m bringing the gladiator back. We’re gonna get down like it’s Scourge league again.

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