[3.25 READY] Versatile Combatant Impale Shield Crush - Crush the Atlas - SSF Compatible

Can't wait to see your build with SC of chieftain
Hamzalopode wrote:
Can't wait to see your build with SC of chieftain

Chieftain is bait. Leaning towards Elementalist and Inquisitor as of now (inquis looking more likely).
Using this to LS this league thanks! Was wondering why you take the Fortification talents, how do we fortify? Did i miss something in the build? Almost act 9. Thanks!
SpidercowSD1 wrote:
Using this to LS this league thanks! Was wondering why you take the Fortification talents, how do we fortify? Did i miss something in the build? Almost act 9. Thanks!

Fortify mastery passive gives us fortify on melee hit. Earlier I had it as the life regeneration one on accident, but it should be fixed now. Sorry about that!
Sorry if its in the POB i havent checked it initially but i was wondering if the POB or if there's a written part that coveres which of the new ascendancies we take?
Dooftard wrote:
Sorry if its in the POB i havent checked it initially but i was wondering if the POB or if there's a written part that coveres which of the new ascendancies we take?

For levelling, take Magi (yellow). Once you hit maps, swap to the charms (blue).
I'm what I feel like is decently geared, but I also feel like I must be missing something as my pob dps is about 7m. The only thing I know for sure I still need is the impale watchers eye, would anybody mind taking a glance at my pob and see what improvements I could make? I'm clearly missing something and I feel like its probably me doing something very dumb, but i'm not sure where. https://pobb.in/QSfXHSknCZ6D
Curycoo wrote:
I'm what I feel like is decently geared, but I also feel like I must be missing something as my pob dps is about 7m. The only thing I know for sure I still need is the impale watchers eye, would anybody mind taking a glance at my pob and see what improvements I could make? I'm clearly missing something and I feel like its probably me doing something very dumb, but i'm not sure where. https://pobb.in/QSfXHSknCZ6D

For the record, 7m or so damage should be fine for most general content, and it should be fine for t16 stuff with the league mechanic too.

The large cluster jewel is a big boon for dps as well as some quality of life with attack speed and leeching.

Replica Dragonfang's is enough to hit the lv24 breakpoint for shield crush damage, you can create a dual-influence body with something such as 'x% increased effect of non-curse auras' and something else (aura is a redeemer suffix).

swapping Ancestral Warchief for Vaal Ancestral Warchief can help a lot with more damage for bosses.

Don't forget about using eldritch currency on your gloves and boots! I'd recommend grabbing an armor base for gloves and to use that, and putting things on your current boots now are fine.

How do we get precise technique. I dont see it allocated in the skill trees you have shown. Do we not use it anymore with this build? Just wondering. Thanks.
Guliath27 wrote:
How do we get precise technique. I dont see it allocated in the skill trees you have shown. Do we not use it anymore with this build? Just wondering. Thanks.

Start with Resolute Technique for now, and once you get good gear (such as rings or a helmet with good accuracy, mana res helmet, replica dragonfangs, etc), then you can swap to PT later.

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