[3.18] (((Abandoned))) Donkster5' The Toxic Tank! RIP 3.19 due to mana res issues

Hey Everyone, this is in tomorrow’s patch… It makes sense because I was getting winddancer more than I should based off the numbers. Should help with survivability.

“ Fixed a bug where the effects of the Wind Dancer Keystone Passive could be triggered from being hit by a spell.”
Hi Donkster,
thanks for sharing this build. After i tried another so called "cheap and easy league starter" (which wasn't was i expected), i switched to your build.

This toon is really tanky, couldn't imagine that before :D

I got a question about the skill tree...
On the right hand side Evasion Mastery wheel, you skilled "Grace has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency":

However, in the skills you did not actovate Grave, only use Vaal Grace.

So i do not get the point in here, because with Vaal Grace i assume we do not reserve any mana at all ?!? Could you explain how this works? or will it be used later in game (e.g. lvl 90 and up). I'm curently 80 and think i'd better take another choice (e.g. 100% evasion from armor/40% Evasion if recently hit or even those 30% chance to avoid bleed/posion/impale sounds more promising...)

Thanks for your feedback

Oh nevermind.
Was my fault. Seems i missunderstood the PoB....checked again and saw that you have Vaal Grace as skill Gem, bit Grace is enabled / used:

Seems i was just not reading correctly :D

Last edited by as_69 on Nov 3, 2021, 5:16:44 PM
as_69 wrote:
Hi Donkster,
thanks for sharing this build. After i tried another so called "cheap and easy league starter" (which wasn't was i expected), i switched to your build.

This toon is really tanky, couldn't imagine that before :D

I got a question about the skill tree...
On the right hand side Evasion Mastery wheel, you skilled "Grace has 25% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency":

However, in the skills you did not actovate Grave, only use Vaal Grace.

So i do not get the point in here, because with Vaal Grace i assume we do not reserve any mana at all ?!? Could you explain how this works? or will it be used later in game (e.g. lvl 90 and up). I'm curently 80 and think i'd better take another choice (e.g. 100% evasion from armor/40% Evasion if recently hit or even those 30% chance to avoid bleed/posion/impale sounds more promising...)

Thanks for your feedback

Oh nevermind.
Was my fault. Seems i missunderstood the PoB....checked again and saw that you have Vaal Grace as skill Gem, bit Grace is enabled / used:

Seems i was just not reading correctly :D

I’m glad you figured it out. Hard to differentiate some things like that in PoB.
Use a 3-socket resonator socketed with a Metallic Fossil, Prismatic Fossil, and Corroded Fossil. It usually takes just a few times to hit +3, but you may want to reroll a couple times to get a secondary mod that's helpful. Both Attack Speed and DoT Multi are useful mods, everything else is secondary or useless.

Is this possible in Scourge 3.16?
klisman wrote:
Use a 3-socket resonator socketed with a Metallic Fossil, Prismatic Fossil, and Corroded Fossil. It usually takes just a few times to hit +3, but you may want to reroll a couple times to get a secondary mod that's helpful. Both Attack Speed and DoT Multi are useful mods, everything else is secondary or useless.

Is this possible in Scourge 3.16?

Yes, that should work unless they shadow changed the fossils or tags without me knowing. Basically you’re removing the attack prefix mods able to roll and leaving a limited option of possible rolls. Suffixes can roll good or bad.. It’s not endgame endgame, but it’s a darn good bow to get as far as most people want to take it.
Donkster5 wrote:
klisman wrote:
Use a 3-socket resonator socketed with a Metallic Fossil, Prismatic Fossil, and Corroded Fossil. It usually takes just a few times to hit +3, but you may want to reroll a couple times to get a secondary mod that's helpful. Both Attack Speed and DoT Multi are useful mods, everything else is secondary or useless.

Is this possible in Scourge 3.16?

Yes, that should work unless they shadow changed the fossils or tags without me knowing. Basically you’re removing the attack prefix mods able to roll and leaving a limited option of possible rolls. Suffixes can roll good or bad.. It’s not endgame endgame, but it’s a darn good bow to get as far as most people want to take it.

This combo works too, it have 10 tries for +1+2, but why not corroded/metallic/jagged for 4?
This is probably a naive play style question.

In the build there are two sources of toxic rain, one on the bow with ballista and one on the body armor.

Do you cast the ballista one, move around and cast the armor one then repeat when the ballistas expire ?

How do you tell the difference between them to position them on your skill bar
on your skill bar, trial and error in hideout ?

This is probably a naive play style question.

In the build there are two sources of toxic rain, one on the bow with ballista and one on the body armor.

Do you cast the ballista one, move around and cast the armor one then repeat when the ballistas expire ?

How do you tell the difference between them to position them on your skill bar
on your skill bar, trial and error in hideout ?

Playstyle wise, you only want to cast ballista totems on bosses and while mapping you only cast TR, without using totems at all.

The slot on the hotbar is linked to the specific gem. Just take out the two TR gems, then put them in their socket one after the other and you will notice the pattern.

Waff_Waff wrote:
This is probably a naive play style question.

In the build there are two sources of toxic rain, one on the bow with ballista and one on the body armor.

Do you cast the ballista one, move around and cast the armor one then repeat when the ballistas expire ?

How do you tell the difference between them to position them on your skill bar
on your skill bar, trial and error in hideout ?

Playstyle wise, you only want to cast ballista totems on bosses and while mapping you only cast TR, without using totems at all.

The slot on the hotbar is linked to the specific gem. Just take out the two TR gems, then put them in their socket one after the other and you will notice the pattern.

I do a bit of both, but, yes, in general selfcast is for mapping and adding dps to bosses when you are safe to fire off some shots. Totems are for bosses and particularly hard mobs. I have the totems on my keyboard middle finger and just hold the button down to place them all. Self-cast is on right click.

not sure if YT links are allowed, it's a little choppy
here's my take on the build with CA for clear speed but from what I gathered on ssf so far I'm really enjoying it.
I could see a lot more improvement if I was on trade league but I feel pretty happy with what I got so far.


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