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[3.13] Auto Cast - Heartbound Loop - CWDT Storm Brand - 9Mil Sirus Damage

I bought wands, all the same HP is not enough, and how to inflict damage to yourself to activate KVDT
What do you think of Void Battery for this building. It seems the DPS could increase and we get a free power charge.
anonim835 wrote:
I bought wands, all the same HP is not enough, and how to inflict damage to yourself to activate KVDT

When the loop activated, your life or mana goes to zero first?

I imported your character into POB, mana regen 3305 now which is okay but seems the mana pool is not enough for regen HP. We take around 2800 damage per second, 60% goes to life if not using watcher's eye, which is 1680 damage. As the agnostic is scarifying 20% of mana for life regen, we can increase the mana pool for more life regen.
Or you can use the watcher's eye to shift more damage to mana, to reduce the pressure on life regen.

I use Essence of Insanity on my 2nd weapon, which Triggers Level 20 Spectral Spirits when Equipped, then I press X to switch weapon to start the loop.
MrKato2 wrote:
What do you think of Void Battery for this building. It seems the DPS could increase and we get a free power charge.

As we have massive amount of spell damage % from Indigon, and cast speed from Necro's Corpse Pact, the benefits from Void Battery is little. It is better to look for flat damage or critical multiplier for dps.
What the helmet enchant prefer?
KELLTUZED1994 wrote:
What the helmet enchant prefer?

Storm Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistance
alan1229 wrote:
KELLTUZED1994 wrote:
What the helmet enchant prefer?

Storm Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistance

POB is not working with ver 1.4.170.
Can you fix this please so I can see bandit quest.
Last edited by NJBAT on Nov 10, 2020, 1:29:19 AM
NJBAT wrote:
POB is not working with ver 1.4.170.
Can you fix this please so I can see bandit quest.

Hi, I'm using PoB Community Fork
Bandit choose Alira for mana regen, crit multiplier, and resists.
alan1229 wrote:
NJBAT wrote:
POB is not working with ver 1.4.170.
Can you fix this please so I can see bandit quest.

Hi, I'm using PoB Community Fork
Bandit choose Alira for mana regen, crit multiplier, and resists.

Thanks a lot.

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