[3.13] Ethereal Knives Inquisitor #1 Heist level 100 Inquisitor

What about eternity shroud with full shaper gear ?
Тnx great job!
TheYel wrote:
What about eternity shroud with full shaper gear ?
You would probably go Assassin or Trickster for that, Inquisitor doesn't scale Eternity Shroud damage very well. Also you miss out on the explosions which are a big key to the clearspeed for this build, while also making it way more expensive.
Why only 1 call of the brotherhood ? since we do use herald of ice and hatred would be better to have more cold, no ?
TheYel wrote:
Why only 1 call of the brotherhood ? since we do use herald of ice and hatred would be better to have more cold, no ?
You lose a bunch of life and resist, and probably even lose damage because you basically don't shock at all with such little lightning damage. It would make it easier to perma freeze things though.
Thank you for this build! I will likely start 3.13 with it. Have you had a chance to look at the Inquisitor changes? Assuming it is still best to go Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgement, the build will be losing 45% crit multi but gaining a decent amount of crit chance. Is there any consideration for something like crit damage support over crit chance support in the 6-L to achieve a similar affect to the 3.12 version? Do you have any thoughts on the state of this build now, assuming no additional huge changes in the patch notes?
SolfuI wrote:
Thank you for this build! I will likely start 3.13 with it. Have you had a chance to look at the Inquisitor changes? Assuming it is still best to go Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgement, the build will be losing 45% crit multi but gaining a decent amount of crit chance. Is there any consideration for something like crit damage support over crit chance support in the 6-L to achieve a similar affect to the 3.12 version? Do you have any thoughts on the state of this build now, assuming no additional huge changes in the patch notes?
Yeah, everything still works pretty much the same, but I would probably use Hypothermia instead of crit damage support. You still need alot of crit to make the build feel consistent, but yeah if you can get close to 90% crit, replacing Increased Critial Strikes makes sense.
can u tell good uniques for league start? for main and off hand
Hi! I hope you all are having fun leveling ^^

I had one question, is it useful to upgrade the Hrimsorrow with the prophecy for getting the Hrimburn? Or is it bad for the build because we don't want any ignite/fire dmg ?
i have problems with mana how can i fix it?

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