What does "Overwhelm" mean?

Darn lol.

At first I thought that all these overwhelm, physical penetration, exerted is all about banging a girl...

Was wondering if I have entered the poe forum wrongly >.>
I'm pretty sure it *CAN* go below zero, and it's different than physical penetration because it's a multiplicative factor on the monster's resistances... against monsters with 0% physical resist, it does nothing.

Here's a few scenarios:

If I have 100% overwhelm, and the monster has 50% resist, it's -50% physical resist, bringing it down to zero.

If I have 120% overwhelm, and the monster has 50% resist, it's -60% physical resist, bringing it down to -10%.

Also, the overwhelm can stack with other sources of -%physical resist, so it's much better than the Inquisitor "ignore resistances" node.
fast and safe - mana cost thx bro

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