Automaton Cyclone Effect

Ashriel wrote:
Maybe make some MTX for the dozens of skills that don't have any at all yet, instead of more for skills that already have 7 (now 8)?

I second this. Still no MTX for Venom Gyre, Burning Arrow, or Cobra Lash.

Celestial would look good on all of these. Of course, I would like more Void Emperor skins since we already have so much Celestial and Automaton now.

Some skins to represent the conquerors would be cool too.
Where do I swipe the credit card?
celestial is bestial
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Ok. This is something.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
How about Herald of Purity MTX next? I have a hell of a time seeing them...
Man this looks beautiful!
very nice
Oh, this reminds me. Could you please fix Vaal Cyclone? It is basically a suicide button because it locks you in place. I think a good solution would be to cut the area in half and still let you move. Even if Vaal Cyclone only said "You have reverse knock back", nothing else, it would still be an improvement.

Thank you!
Pretty :3

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