[3.14]CoC Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blade Blast |League start to All content down |16M+ Dps fast clear

_Midas wrote:
Loving this build so far, just about to hit red maps with it. Felt infinitely better once I had the life gain on spell hit rings. Just got to try and get that -mana cost of non-channelling skills craft (Elreon running assassin ascendancy and being very elusive) and I think this will feel so smooth to play!

I got that craft if you need
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Astarift wrote:
_Midas wrote:
Loving this build so far, just about to hit red maps with it. Felt infinitely better once I had the life gain on spell hit rings. Just got to try and get that -mana cost of non-channelling skills craft (Elreon running assassin ascendancy and being very elusive) and I think this will feel so smooth to play!

I got that craft if you need

That would be great! Can I just PM you in game?
_Midas wrote:
Astarift wrote:
_Midas wrote:
Loving this build so far, just about to hit red maps with it. Felt infinitely better once I had the life gain on spell hit rings. Just got to try and get that -mana cost of non-channelling skills craft (Elreon running assassin ascendancy and being very elusive) and I think this will feel so smooth to play!

I got that craft if you need

That would be great! Can I just PM you in game?

Yes, just do it within the next 20 mins ill go to bed
My Builds/Stream


I play SSF and don't have access to the Grand Spectrum Jewels yet, but I have 2x PP. Think it might work still? Thanks
rolled from some bs arc mana trickster to this, i don't regret at all, build is fun to play.
When i get first awakened cascade what link should i put it in ? poet pen or coc ?
What's best to level with when you have poet's pens from lv 12?

Gonna start this build this weekend
How is the build in terms of defense? Considering switching from ed contagion trickser but I have doubts about survivability
Vorlore wrote:

I play SSF and don't have access to the Grand Spectrum Jewels yet, but I have 2x PP. Think it might work still? Thanks

Not having grand spectrum mainly hurts our crit chance, we do not have the highest crit multi, but the reason i cap crit is because for CoC consistency and the pressure points notable which gives us 5% chance to double damage on crits. I would say the key items would be the 2 pen and anything else just serves to boost the dps or survivability

totalover wrote:
rolled from some bs arc mana trickster to this, i don't regret at all, build is fun to play.
When i get first awakened cascade what link should i put it in ? poet pen or coc ?

Goes to Pen first, its more consistent in triggering because no aiming needed

Tyman wrote:
What's best to level with when you have poet's pens from lv 12?

Gonna start this build this weekend

I would say take something like arc/wave of conviction at the start, clear and leveling speed should be great. Change to bladefall/blast once you have a good attack/second

PezeMovsky wrote:
How is the build in terms of defense? Considering switching from ed contagion trickser but I have doubts about survivability

Our defenses centers around ascendency, flesh and stone, mobility and dodging shit. I hardly die to anything except the explody ballsshit or those on deaths explosions in delirium.

Although for Sirus, i would consider using flash dash over dash because you have no control over travel distance in dash
My Builds/Stream

Fun build :)
Crafted a god tier boots for our build

This is our ultimate chase boots
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