[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Probably, since usually you only started using Coward's Legacy when you had an Atziri's Mirror, which was not accessible for a lot of players.
Now the entry price for "low life" setup is much much cheaper.
Okay, I think I have the guide mostly updated in full to account for the Viridi's Veil stuff.

As usual, there are likely some typos or omissions I didn't catch, so please take a look through and let me know if you find anything that needs updated, or you think isn't clear enough. The guide is getting fairly large at this point so it's getting easier for me to miss simple stuff.

We're not talking garden league quality items yet, but you can still get some pretty nice stuff with the more limited version.

Last edited by NoImagination on Jan 25, 2021, 1:04:44 PM
Hi everyone...
Guys I have a BIG problem
All went smooth for leveling. I'm not at act 10 and did all was said under the section "switching to freezing pulse", every little thing...
And my totems are one shoted all the time, even if I come back to act 5 for example :/

I had not this problem with Spell Totem with Wave of Conviction, I was rolling over Act 10 with absolutely no problem. Now I even struggle to kill rares at act 5 because any hit destroy my totems, either freezing pulse or frost bomb :/

What did I miss ? It's now unplayable :( :(

Thanks for the help !
I don't know why it would do that, but you have avatar of fire in your passive tree. Two unusual things are probably linked.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jan 25, 2021, 1:35:35 PM
NoImagination wrote:
I don't know why it would do that, but you have avatar of fire in your passive tree. Two unusual things are probably linked.

Indeed forgot to remove it thanks, I did now
But it's VERY strange, went to act 3 it was ok... took somme freezing pulse and spuports level then Act 5 was ok to do... (Talking about defense, not DPS, totems are getting one hit but if I level up Freezing pulse and supports they don't.... Is that normal ?)
I can't really tell if you're still having problems, but you need multiple totem support too.
Hi fellow Totem players I have a question. So struggling to get 3 Greens on my infernal mantle. I do have a 6 link now though, but until I get enough chromes, I'm not going to be able to get the 3 Greens, 2 Blues and 1 Red that I need.

The question is, out of

cold penetration
cold damage

which of those 3 greens can I do without of for the time being? And also since I have an extra blue slot available, anyone have ideas of what to slot temporarily until I get the right colors?


The cheapest way to get BB GGG R is crafting bench 1-green, just in case you were unaware.

Added cold damage is worth more than cold pen for the greens, hypothermia is more of a utility thing. I don't think it matters a great deal what you drop though.

Adding increased critical strikes works for the blue, it's what the build used to use. I'm actually not sure why we switched in the first place, does anyone recall?

Edit: changed to make this a bit more useful.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jan 25, 2021, 4:45:51 PM
NoImagination wrote:
The cheapest way to get BB GGG R is crafting bench 1-green, just in case you were unaware.

Not sure which the first green to drop is, and I doubt it matters a great deal, but adding increased critical strikes works for the blue.

Yea, I tried that. I went through 100 chromes on the bench ,which is all I have and can't afford anymore :(

but thanks for the increased critical strike tip! I'll go with that....I should be able to handle tier through 5 maps in the mean-time since I have all the right gear and jewels now to make the Freezing Pulse switch.. Then when I have enough currency I'll either buy chromes or look for the right colors in trade...

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