poe.trade has fallen

There's a time for viewing ads and there's a time for blocking them. That time is now.

Just don't be sad when all your free sites disappear because, whaddayaknow, hosting them costs money and they don't ask for anything other than that you view their ads, so they can keep providing free content for their users.

/shrug, I'm not even surprised anymore.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Last edited by Xavathos on Mar 25, 2019, 11:10:05 AM
Xavathos wrote:
There's a time for viewing ads and there's a time for blocking them. That time is now.

Just don't be sad when all your free sites disappear because, whaddayaknow, hosting them costs money and they don't ask for anything other than that you view their ads, so they can keep providing free content for their users.

/shrug, I'm not even surprised anymore.

There's a difference between having ads on a site and making you think you downloaded some malware spambot cramming as many ads as possible in.

poe.trade and poedb are on the later side of the fence, so blocked.

Also about the RMT comments, those ads come up because you browse the game not RMT. Google adsense figures since you like the game you'd probably want to buy its merch right? sure google *pats head*.
Ydoum wrote:
Ads are biased towards the viewer's cookies. It means you were actually browsing RMT websites.


Why didn't it show me Martian Midget Porn, then?
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Mar 25, 2019, 2:48:26 PM
is there a trade macro that uses the official site?
qaizr wrote:
is there a trade macro that uses the official site?

All of them, they all reference sites which pull their data from the official API, which runs the official site.
Highest Character: Level 92 86% Block/Static Strike Champion - Abyss League
I get bored of the grind around 90, probably won't ever get a higher character.
qaizr wrote:
is there a trade macro that uses the official site?

All of them, they all reference sites which pull their data from the official API, which runs the official site.

i mean when you use the option to show the results on the site. is there a macro that opens the official site?

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