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Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

Hello, just started a Guild myself and would like it to grow. I want more people to talk to and chill with when I play. Thought this would be a good way to connect with other POE Players.

Requirements to Join
- Please be mature and responsible.
- No flaming other guild members.
- Don't beg people to give you free stuff or good deals since your in the
- Be an active player.
- Be helpful to other clan members.

New players are welcome, there is no play time requirements. Please join our guild Discord and be relatively active in it. Players that are not active in either the game or discord will get kicked after a month or so. Guild is located in Eastern Standard Time USA, but anyone is welcome!

Have fun and grind gear!
(Reply to this thread for Discord and Guild invite)
Last bumped on Mar 10, 2024, 12:25:25 PM

I just started playing POE and am looking for a beginner friendly guild!
I play in EU west time.
Invite, please!

Hello, New to the game but have an Art totem H lvl88 and a Vortex lvl 86. willing to help. im just hoping to find an active guild that can help me when i have questions.

lmk thanks.
Fairly new here but looking for a guild.
i wouldnt mind joining the guild. i just "restarted' last week. so i dont know much about anything so i can help where i can and learn from everyone

im in the betrayal league and my user is Arekeon

I am looking for a casual / chill out guild, I mainly play during weekends, sometimes 1-2 hours during weekdays as well. I play in softcore league (Betrayal atm). Fairly new to this game (never killed shaper / guardian) and currently have 2 characters (89 lvl and 91 lvl) in betrayal league.
Im very interested. Let me know if you are still recruiting. Ty!
Been looking for a poe discord for a while now, looking to play with chill players like myself. I'm half decent at the game, I started playing during this league. I'm on US EST and play actively on weekends.
I am looking for a chill guild myself. I am in the Pacific time PST on the west coast.

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