"Pen is so important for vd you ******* ******"

鬼殺し wrote:

I've had excellent trade interactions on PoE, to be honest. Always. But I'm patient, I make an effort to use happy emoticons, I overpay if the person reciprocates, and I don't haggle. But that's at the lower end of things. I like to buy 1-5c deals to facilitate stupid build ideas. I imagine once things get serious and you're trading in multiples of exalts, time-is-money and all that. Ego is a big factor too, when you're further up the ladder.

Either way, it's sort of like real life. You have the shitkickers who are always polite because they have to be and they know it's the most effective way to get what you want when you don't have much to offer (me in-game). Then in the middle you have the big ego fucks who think they're rich and act like they're the centre of the universe (these two shining examples of humanity)...then you have the *seriously, actual* rich, who are not so much polite as they just don't see the point expending energy on those that don't matter, i.e. everyone else. (I_NO).

For me its been a bit more of the opposite. Lower end trades having the most frequent lack of manners, mid range being a mix of good and bad and higher tier more consistently pleasant but still occasionally showing no appreciation.

But yeah, the most polite interaction was the other day from someone over a menial trade. They caught me right before going afk but were so pleasant that when I later responded to another request (after coming back from being afk) that I had no issue getting him/her settled. It was far more "hassle" than a typical trade but also far more enjoyable than my typical emotionless trade experience too. Very little currency was actually exchanged, but it was simply nice to be reminded that at least some players realize that you could be in the middle of something too instead of the tiring me me me mentality.
Yep, totally over league play.
Aim_Deep wrote:
Trade league lol. So glad I don't deal with these tards anymore. Someday when you grow you'll stop playing practice leagues too.

Get over your self!! rofl. It is a trading game. SSF is a slog for the masochistic.
Poe community is the worst of the worst
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
That Tommydude is great. Whenever he whispers for an item, I know I can double the price.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
鬼殺し wrote:
Arthur606 wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:

Yeah, gosh, whoops.

Also, anyone can see this was hardly unprovoked. They went at each other like two starving seagulls over a slice of mouldy bread. Support should probate/mute them both and be done with it, hahahaha.


My name is Japanese, genius.

Also, google translate gives me this:

"Manima has a literary talent, shut up and eat your melon."

Which is fucking hilarious. I was half-expecting good old 'fuck your mother'. One of the few phrases I know in both Cantonese AND Mandarin!

Japanese kanji is completely borrowed from ancient China, genius nation. 鬼杀 as web alias is used by more Chinese, too.

You already got what you wanted you just couldn't know. Cyber translation without cultural background gives you nothing from real Chinese

From the following interactions under my post your enthusiasm should have been directed away from game and you could be teaching communication in community college now. C'est la vie.
鬼殺し wrote:
Borrowed or not, it's evolved to a point where you responding in Chinese to a dude with a Japanese name is ridiculous.

Like this thread, actually. Ja na.

Chinese Or Japanese what's the difference?
鬼殺し wrote:
Borrowed or not, it's evolved to a point where you responding in Chinese to a dude with a Japanese name is ridiculous.

Like this thread, actually. Ja na.

Oh so using an English name meaning I ought to be replied at all time English? Why don't you say I'm half Latin half Arabic? Ridiculos more.

You contributed one whole page. 且不说一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤
鬼殺し wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
Borrowed or not, it's evolved to a point where you responding in Chinese to a dude with a Japanese name is ridiculous.

Like this thread, actually. Ja na.

Chinese Or Japanese what's the difference?

I dunno, what's the difference between Spanish and Portuguese?

I'm out. No one here is worthy of my time or interest. Good luck with those reports, OP. LOL.

You look the same to me where is the difference? maybe in martial arts films?
You sound like a great person to hang out with if I wanted to punish myself for interacting with the public.
It's not a PoE thread until people start insulting each other =P
Yep, totally over league play.

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