scion is the weakest class in this game and shadow the srongest

i have proof that scion is super week by comparing her with some popular ascendacys

1. berseker has 40% more damage but scion-berseker only have 10% more damage

2. inqusitor completly ignores elemental resistances (avg mob res 60%) but scion-inqusitor only has 6% ele pen

3. slayer leeches life 2x faster 20% more dmg 20% culling strike 40$ increased aoe and scion-slayer only 10% cull 20% aoe 10% inc dmg

4. elementalist has 75% aoe+ele dmg 25% ele pen but scion-elementalist only 10% elepen

5. if you have 30% as crit as non-ascendant and if you choose assassin you get 95% critical strike but scion-assassin can only 34% crit from 30% (4% more)

6. if you have 8500 energy shield as non-ascendant and if you choose occultist you get 10200 energy shield but as scion-occultist you only get 8700 energy shield

7. deadeye has 1 chain and 40% more damange 1st chain (if you have 4 chain) but scion-deadeye only pierce and deadeye 30% more damage for farshot and scion only 50% increased damage for farshot

8. if you have 9 aps on your reave a radier can make it 13 aps but scion-raider cannot

moreover scion is placed in the middle of the passive tree which is making you waste like 10 passive points to reach the actual good passive nodes
other ascendacys are even weaker didnt compare them here

if you play scion use it only to farm oni-goroshi since she has movement speed nodes

edit: forgot to mention why shadow is the strongest
shadow has all the most powerful passive poinst near him eg: painattunement, conduit, chaos innoculation, phase acrobatics
shadows are soo powerful if you choose assassin ascendacy because of how perfectly he utilizes power charges gaurteeing you 100% critical strike and 100% hearld of ice explosion shatter
trickster is for super fast mapping maybe? and saboture for bossing not a big gap compared to other ascendacy tho

edit 2 : shadow is not popular and "shadow is the strongest" is my personal perference ofcourse you might have better classes are your favorite one i cannot argue with that.

edit 3 : im now loosing confidence with this thread since scion seem to work in specific situations
and kinda regret posting this because mathil is playing a scourage arrow scion right now so dont take this my toughts serious thanks
Last edited by dvasan on Sep 24, 2018, 6:21:50 PM
Last bumped on Sep 25, 2018, 4:34:15 AM
Agree... but I'm finding it very relaxing to play the Scion. Far less choices. Far less worry. It's worth it. Hadn't played one for years because I felt that she was a weaker choice. But then I decided that I didn't need the best choice to play the game and that playing a Scion trades strength for simplicity.

I'm playing a Slayer/Elementalist and she's doing ok. Not great, but not gimp either. I get to laugh at reflect mods on maps though. I tried Temp Chains and still hate it... but not because she can't do it. Hope she'll be able to alch and go without worrying about any impossible mods.

But I agree it's really easier to make stronger characters specializing rather than generalizing.

You don't seem to realize that she can pick two classes. Of course she's not comparable 1 on 1.
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Sep 24, 2018, 12:54:08 PM
One legit complaint is that she wasn't updated when they updated the classes. That was an oversight.
You cannot compare 1 scion choise to a complete ascendancy. Scion can pick 2 AND on top of that put points from te starting of one of those classes starting area. Scion has a LOT of viable builds that can be much stronger than the pure ascendancy counterpart.

Scion is not weak in any shape or form.
Last edited by arknath on Sep 24, 2018, 1:10:00 PM
arknath wrote:
You cannot compare 1 scion choise to a complete ascendancy. Scion can pick 2 AND on top of that put points from te starting of one of those classes starting area.

but you have do to uberlab for that are you willing to die to traps waste 2 offerings for carry if you are going to play 3 to 4 char per league are you willing to do uberlab on all of them?
I think you are right, few leagues already i pick scion and give up while still in acts /sometimes cuz my plans for the build were wrong but usually just didnt find her that good choice for what i need/. I also think she needs better bonuses or even option to choose the bonus from miniclass she pick.
BUT GGG now gonna read your comment and add those "strong"classes in nerfhammer list, gg.
Slow down for a minute to enjoy the beauty around us.
canilaz_ wrote:

BUT GGG now gonna read your comment and add those "strong"classes in nerfhammer list, gg.

nah dont worry they wont read forums
edit: actually they read but wont take it serious shadow is just sligtly stronger than the rest thats all
Last edited by dvasan on Sep 24, 2018, 2:25:07 PM
Your logic is a bit flawed.

Individual Scion ascendencies are ALWAYS weaker than the ACTUAL ascendency.

What the scion does do is allow for potential combinations that could not otherwise be achieved.

It's true scion effectiveness is dependent on what's available in ascendency, but there are still plenty of worthwhile options that are viable.

I myself made a bit of a mess with my delve scion. I originally planned on a slayer based leeching pathfinder/deadeye/or raider but ended up experimenting with caustic and toxic rain.

I tried to get carried for my uber but after a few failed attempts I ended up just doing it on my own.

It wasn't because the scion was weak so much as I went a completely different route than my original plan and was minimizing regret spending. I planned to convert her into a darkness runner but now that my azurite upgrades are decently setup and my totem hierophant is more than capable of going off the main path its a bit of a moot point.
Yep, totally over league play.
SeCKSEgai wrote:

What the scion does do is allow for potential combinations that could not otherwise be achieved.

i understand that point would like some examples and build ideas if you got any
BLS energy shield build is the best on scion.

Whispering ice is also best on scion.

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