[3.6] Fire Elemental Hit Deadeye - Budget - Endgame

HDTanel wrote:
reggie_gakil wrote:
I am having insane trouble clearing bosses of tier 1... I have all items needed and build is just no damage..
Ok missing xophs blood but i have aof from tree. I am at a loss right now, so much time and money spent and this cant kill beach boss, having to shoot it 50x and pray i dont get hit or its 1-2 shot.
Ofc my life is low I know but the damage is garbage with the money spent.. bought every item that should be needed for this build to work..

This is just beach boss.. tier 5-10 impossible, boss kill takes 1hour. How the hell are you able to progress this league with this build?

u placed ur combat focus jewels wrong u cant do dmg if u dont place it at the right spot

My jewels in right place.. zero damage on bosses.. seriously is my game bugged?
I have every item needed for this build to work.. but zero damage on single target... and this build should be a boss killer lol..
wtf am i doing wrong?

Why do you have slower projectile gem on your single-target setup? Shouldn't you use elemental damage with attacks? You could also invest some currency in the better amulet, your's pretty crap.

Another thing are boots, i have been using bubonic trail for a while but afterall rare boots with res and lots of life are much better, unless you get 2 abyss jewels, the same thing goes for the gloves, you're better off with rare ones than tombfist with 1 jewel. You definately want to have life on every item you have (including jewels), as much as possible.

I see that you are avoiding life nodes in your tree, you dps with jewels, aof and frostferno should be more than enough for bosses and/or clearing, you should be careful since you can be one-shot because of that, remember that plenty of bosses have phases so you'll probably get hit at least once. You're not using any auras? I highly suggest using haste and herald of purity.

These are my stats from my PoB without ticking anything under configuration tab and I can tell you I have lots of room to improve.

Last edited by Mynio on Sep 9, 2018, 10:21:56 AM
Can anyone have a look at my Character ExcrementalHit and tell me what to upgrade next? Lioneye's Fall, 6l bow or Xoph's first?
Edeka wrote:
Can anyone have a look at my Character ExcrementalHit and tell me what to upgrade next? Lioneye's Fall, 6l bow or Xoph's first?

6l bow would only enchance your farming, but that's not essenstial, get xoph's to increase your health pool i'd say.
Mynio wrote:

Why do you have slower projectile gem on your single-target setup? Shouldn't you use elemental damage with attacks? You could also invest some currency in the better amulet, your's pretty crap.

Another thing are boots, i have been using bubonic trail for a while but afterall rare boots with res and lots of life are much better, unless you get 2 abyss jewels, the same thing goes for the gloves, you're better off with rare ones than tombfist with 1 jewel. You definately want to have life on every item you have (including jewels), as much as possible.

I see that you are avoiding life nodes in your tree, you dps with jewels, aof and frostferno should be more than enough for bosses and/or clearing, you should be careful since you can be one-shot because of that, remember that plenty of bosses have phases so you'll probably get hit at least once. You're not using any auras? I highly suggest using haste and herald of purity.

These are my stats from my PoB without ticking anything under configuration tab and I can tell you I have lots of room to improve.

Thank you so much for answering. I know my life is low but I wanted to get every node on tree that does the damage and then come down on dps to see where best life\dps balance is.. but.. with all dps i cannot kill beach boss with this build.. This build should like 2-3shot this guy but I have to shoot like 20-30times at him to kill him.
Gloves\Boots make sense, will change them out, but again, I lose DPS lol.. amulet is crap indeed, will try and find a crit\crit multi one right? Crit chance for spells if im not mistaken?
Will also try and change out that slower proj gem, I just saw someone using it and thought it made sense
Mathils actual cat
Mynio wrote:
Edeka wrote:
Can anyone have a look at my Character ExcrementalHit and tell me what to upgrade next? Lioneye's Fall, 6l bow or Xoph's first?

6l bow would only enchance your farming, but that's not essenstial, get xoph's to increase your health pool i'd say.

Thank you! Any other tips like - when shall I start using Wike Oak? Also I feel a little squishy - what Pantheon should I use and what can I do to get a little more sustain?
Last edited by Edeka on Sep 9, 2018, 11:13:07 AM
HDTanel wrote:

Thank you so much for answering. I know my life is low but I wanted to get every node on tree that does the damage and then come down on dps to see where best life\dps balance is.. but.. with all dps i cannot kill beach boss with this build.. This build should like 2-3shot this guy but I have to shoot like 20-30times at him to kill him.
Gloves\Boots make sense, will change them out, but again, I lose DPS lol.. amulet is crap indeed, will try and find a crit\crit multi one right? Crit chance for spells if im not mistaken?
Will also try and change out that slower proj gem, I just saw someone using it and thought it made sense

You maybe loose dps buy dying in the other hand isn't worth it because you literally do not go forward with the build. Survivability in PoE was always the most important, then it all cames to dps. You ought to be looking for regular crit/crit multi... anyways, if your crit is below 30% with the items, you should go for ele dmg and life on the jewelerly and maybe resists.
Why did you choose such a weird route in delve? What i mean by that is why didnt you go to the duelist area (Referring to the 5l ele hit lvl 19 part that you posted)
I have a huge problem with mana on lvl 62. Any tips for that? and why path of building tree and tree in first post are different? which one should i follow?
Last edited by Kosmogrzmot on Sep 9, 2018, 5:12:39 PM
For people jumping into Elemental Hit as a league starter build... it's not that great. You can reach good damage and clearing, but it comes at a brutal cost of survival.

While it's certainly viable to start this league (I did, just to see if I could now that a lot of middling Ele Hit gear has decreased in price), I highly recommend a more flexible/standardized bow build to farm up a Xoph's Blood.

Being forced to path all the way to Avatar of Fire manually is a colossal waste of time, money, and stats. Xoph's Blood is 10 Exalts like last league, but getting AoF from it, instead of your tree, will let you path better. Most people like getting the crit multiplier and Cold/fire damage towards the Witch tree, but I greatly prefer going down to Duelist, and then up to Scion for a huge life pool. You can refer to my last league's character, Levende, if you want to see my passive tree. It's very flexible from a standard build, so minimal Regret spam is needed to convert from any traditional bow builds.

I wish I'd gone my usual builds through Lioneye's Glare or Doomfletch's Prism simply because the total gear cost is lower, and there's no loss in clear speed or survival while farming up something as expensive as Xoph's Blood to convert.
Is it ok to run Cold ele damage? I feel like having to path to AOF is a waste of points and Xoph is way too expensive. What are your thoughts? I see CuteDog running Cold Ele.

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