Change Language

Bump, still no language buttom?
Thank you very much !
Common. I play POE since PC closed beta in english. Let us change the language on console.
Bump. I am currently installing it for fun on my PS4 and knowing I will have to play it in german gives me more horrors than losing my shlong dong.
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
@Jeff_GGG, another year passes, and game is still completely unplayable without this option. Would it be possible to add it to the plans somehow? Almost all other game has this option, so probably there are no technical limitation for this. But I really can't play the console version.
Another generation of consoles has arrived and yet, no option to change language. That's a shame, you guys only focus on PC players, that's why.
Bump. Installed PoE on PS5, but the german translation is a catastrophe. Please let me change to english without changing the system language.
I started PoE today on my XSX - but to be hornest, the german translation is so bad, i dont want to play it that way.

Let us choose our language, there is no reason that we should not choose it by our self...

I've been playing path of exile like since 2013 or so on pc, it has been always english for me.

I'm from Switzerland (therefor understanding german language perfectly) and I do NOT want to play path of exile with german text. It is horrible.

You devs might not understand what it means.
Let me tell you what it means.

I have to literately learn about every single piece of the game again that is crucial to improve and develop my character, like gems for example, I don't know which gem is the one I want to use because of the dumb german text, UNLESS I know what the icon/visual of the gem looked like.

Is it too much to ask for a feature that allows you to choose between languages (at least your native one and english) in the year 20fucking21 in a console game? like literately?

or 2018 I should say? because this thread is goddamn 3 years old.

what is there even to suggest and/or discuss. this is a no-brainer.

Even though path of exile is free, I am one of the many people that have not only invested tons of hours in the game, but also spend some money on it, maybe not on a larger scale, but at least a few hundred bucks for myself and other people.

And by the look at the icons/texts of supporter packs of people that posted in this thread, I am sure not the only one here.

So ... ... ... does this take another 3 years? maybe you wait to 'fix' this in path of exile 2? lol.
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2023 bump here.

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