OMG! The RNG Gods just gave me a huge Christmas present

Arrowneous wrote:
I was respec'ing an old standard league Scion build for Spectral Throw.

Arrowneous wrote:
standard league Scion build

Arrowneous wrote:
standard league


Yes, I know. Spare me the troll posts about how "Standard League is dead" even if that is mostly true. Also spare me the troll post over "Scion class is dead... blah, blah, blah." You play what you want and I play what I want. Whatever makes us happy to be playing PoE otherwise why are we even here? I've got beaucoup SC uniques in my stash just waiting for me to use them on a new (at least for me) build. So many builds and skills to try and so little time. But that is what GGG does best with PoE to keep me coming back to play. If build diversity dried up then so would my interest in playing.

It would be nice if the RNG gods threw us a bone more often. No flood of 6-links but a little more often than once in a blue moon time frame.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Prisus is right acftually, i didnt notice that, making the item 20% quality increases the chance of it linking, always 20% everything before u try and link it.

The people making lol why? comments about standard league dont really have the maturity of a person whos opinion is worth taking seriously arrowneous, I wouldnt lose any sleep over them. We were all children who pinned our egos on silly things once upon a time, and none of us were worthy being taken seriously at that stage. If you measure yourself by which league you play in path of exile then your really grasping for straws in your life or just havent lived enough of it.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
Prisus is right acftually, i didnt notice that, making the item 20% quality increases the chance of it linking, always 20% everything before u try and link it.

The people making lol why? comments about standard league dont really have the maturity of a person whos opinion is worth taking seriously arrowneous, I wouldnt lose any sleep over them. We were all children who pinned our egos on silly things once upon a time, and none of us were worthy being taken seriously at that stage. If you measure yourself by which league you play in path of exile then your really grasping for straws in your life or just havent lived enough of it.

Hmmm... I didn't know that making the item 20% quality before throwing fuses at it (gambling) would increase the odds of getting a 5L or 6L. Do we know where that was stated by GGG? If so, then that is good to know for future link gambling and was just dumb luck that my BoTB was already at 20% quality before I was in the crazy mood to throw a few fusings (I only had 40 but I had 2K jewelers so I could buy more) at the chest just for a change from the daily xp grind.

No worry, I read posts all the time stating Standard is dead and/or GGG doesn't care to even try to balance Standard leagues and I was (still am) in such a good mood over the 6L in 21 fusings that no one can diminish my interest in trying new builds every month or two. Anyone who has been in from the beginning (CB lottery key winner for me in Dec. of 2012) should have a boat load of uniques from which to use for build experimentation (or they sold them all). Since I am a PoE gear hoarder I have many tabs of uniques so when I see a build guide that looks interesting and one I haven't ever played (or haven't played in a long time) I'm ready to dust off and respec an old build to try it out. That's what happened for me and why I hit the PoE jackpot (frankly I was way over due for some RNGesus loving and Christmas season is the perfect time for this to happen).
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Gratz, nothing beats the fact that no matter the item, u did it yourself
Me and you must be on the favored Christmas list. Look what I found on Christmas Eve! I found it with the 6 sockets and spent a grand total of 6 fusings! WOOT!

Arrowneous wrote:
I just had an OMG I'm in shock moment. I was respec'ing an old standard league Scion build for Spectral Throw. The build guide I was looking at suggested using a Belly of The Beast chest. Ok, I have 2 so I got out one. I crafted 6 sockets and only had 40 fuses. I hadn't done any fusing on a 6 socket item in a long while so I started gambling. 1, 2, 3, ... 10... 20. Ok I just used up half of my fusings, I'll need to sell Jewellers to get 150 fusings to buy a 5-link. For some inexplicable reason I shift-right clicked one more time on the chest and low and behold a Christmas miracle happened:

I'm still in a mild state of shock over this. The rng of PoE is super brutal and players routinely rage post that they burned through 2K+ fuses without getting a 6-link. I can't fathom what rng odds I had to beat to get a 6-link on my 21st fusing but wow this has made my day and week. I've been in from closed beta and never crafted anything of value so for this to occur is astounding.

Some people have limited time and prefer standard. That is why.

Let them live their lives!
Lol who cares bout standard anyway? That shit is voided to me

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