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[3.1] Video up! MoM Detonate/Volatile Dead Trickster! (Great league starter!)


I'm just starting this build, and I had a quick question. I wanted to ask if anyone else has noticed that Volatile Dead Orbs will sometimes ignore the bosses/Uniques. At the very least, it seems to have less priority towards the Unique bosses? Is that intended? Seems super weird how the orb priority works.

That is something i have noticed. Please read the section below


Im gonna update this guide later on, since ive done some overhauls on the build itself. Its now a Volatile dead OR Detonate dead build. Im currently using the latter wich you can see in my profile. Reason being that Volatile dead seems to have bad AI targeting at times, wich can be potentionally dangerous if you cant "kill that monster asap". Its also better for bosses, and its Atziri viable!
But for running lab, - excluding itzaro -, Volatile dead is Safer.

Im gonna update the links and gear choices later today.

Oops sorry if I missed this. I like the idea of the build, but that issue is a pretty huge problem. Thanks for taking the time out to respond.
puhctekmai wrote:
Oops sorry if I missed this. I like the idea of the build, but that issue is a pretty huge problem. Thanks for taking the time out to respond.

It is indeed a problem. The build isnt, but the skill itself is. Thats why i switched to DD instead. It simply feels better, the dps is insane, and not meta atm so lab enchant aint that expensive. Picked up my ilvl 84 Lion pelt with 45% DD enchant for 22 chaos only :)
Last edited by SebbeTg on Dec 18, 2017, 12:25:35 PM
Update: added t11 map run
Nice guide, trying it right now, just one question: the wiki says detonate dead is not affected by 'spell damage' modifier (or critical strike for spells), yet you still heavily focus on that rather than elemental damage on the tree? Of course it still affects volatile dead (maybe, the wiki doesn't have any info on that) and cremation, right?
Nice guide, trying it right now, just one question: the wiki says detonate dead is not affected by 'spell damage' modifier (or critical strike for spells), yet you still heavily focus on that rather than elemental damage on the tree? Of course it still affects volatile dead (maybe, the wiki doesn't have any info on that) and cremation, right?

Well, the first part of detonate dead is not affect by spell damage, the %life part that is. But the other part is, wich is what you will want to scale anyway. Wiki is not correctly updated yet either.
Ok, thank you for the answer I understand now but then another thing came up. As far as I know detonate dead cannot be reflected, so if I only use that I don't need any proof of reflection like Yugul right? Thank you :)
Ok, thank you for the answer I understand now but then another thing came up. As far as I know detonate dead cannot be reflected, so if I only use that I don't need any proof of reflection like Yugul right? Thank you :)

The % part cannot be reflected, the other part can. Detonate dead is not reflect proof :)
Great build! Been using it to farm Uber labs, and have been doing well and leveled almost to 85. Was wondering on a good shield to get for end game as mines isn't that very good. First time playing and not really sure what good affixes to get on a shield. Should I look into getting a shield with those affixes that you have on your guide, the armor/es shield with a bunch of ele resist, or should I go into maybe a ES shield with maximum energy shield and increased spell damage? Thanks!
Last edited by DangoMyDonger on Jan 2, 2018, 5:40:05 AM
DangoMyDonger wrote:
Great build! Been using it to farm Uber labs, and have been doing well and leveled almost to 85. Was wondering on a good shield to get for end game as mines isn't that very good. First time playing and not really sure what good affixes to get on a shield. Should I look into getting a shield with those affixes that you have on your guide, the armor/es shield with a bunch of ele resist, or should I go into maybe a ES shield with maximum energy shield and increased spell damage? Thanks!

Glad you are liking it!
The build is quite flexible in what to use. You could go for an ES shield with spell crit and spell damage if you want to, or just use to shield to cap out your resists if you are having trouble with it. I wouldnt go for shield to up your ES though, since this build is mainly a life build, wich happens to get around 1k es.
I was using Chernobog's Pillar for quite awhile. Free enfeeble on uncursed enemies is a nice bonus alone and grants alot of defence.
I started my own VD Trickster build and it's kinda different from yours, but looking at yours will give me some ideas. My character for that is Ranged_Smile if you, or anyone, feels like comparing. I'm very weak atm but working to get stronger. I was going to go CI for Death's Oath (after seeing Pohx video) but since I'm doing somewhat of a hybrid, I'm still contemplating what body armour to use. Someone suggested Shavronne's Wrapping. atm Im just using armour from my previous Scion VD build (which can be found in Marauder section under "AFK Gone Cheap", believe it or not.

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