[3.0] TheAmigoConversion -Ele Conversion Bow Build // up to 8k life! // 3.3m shaper DPS

matrx300 wrote:
i'm so confused as to which gem setup is actually the best because in the bow you have:
el. focus - el. damage - phys. to lightning - inc. crit - phys. projectile
in the gem setup tab you have:
Weapon Elemental Damage - Ice Bite - Inc. Crit Strikes - Slower Projectiles - Damage on Full Life
and in the PoB you have:
el. damage - cold pen. - ice bite - el. focus - slower proj

Would appreciate if you helped me here as i really love these types of builds :)

Thanks in advance!

PoB is outdated! have been on vacation, so fixing up the guide now!
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
Holy titties.

This helmet would be ideal for 2x 6Links w/ Kaom's w/o weapon swapping?


Fap fap fap, and might as well fap again.

edit: need to get one to test it out though..
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar on Aug 9, 2017, 6:00:32 AM
What is the best pantheon to take? I can't decide there are several that are pretty nice.
This build is a lot of fun - as long you can leech. Whenever there is a small interruption while shooting I´m instantly dead. Even with over 7200 life I´m dying in higher maps due to the exaggerated damage from the bosses.
Maybe we need a bit more armour for surviving those hard hits?
Any advice which pantheon to take would be great, I have no idea what to take.
so what would you use in a 5l/6l lioneyes glare? Your standard gear is kind of ridiculous, is this build still good without a legacy reach?
Arent we supposed to use phys to lightning on barrage/TS? or converting 50% with signal (plus 15% if we got the lightning corruption) is ideal?
shanisha wrote:
Arent we supposed to use phys to lightning on barrage/TS? or converting 50% with signal (plus 15% if we got the lightning corruption) is ideal?

You got 40% phys to cold from Winter Spirit

For Frenzy Charges on bosses just use frenzy instead of orb of storms.
Frenzy - Curse on Hit - Ele Weakn - (Blink Arrow/GMP). 2 in 1, you need ele weak for bosses only and reliable frenzy generation.
For the quill do we want the corrupted version with more cold conversion? Don't we currently have 10% physical? 40% cold from tree and 50% from quill?
Doesn't this override assasin's mark? Or are we assuming a +1 curse corruption somewhere?
How would Deaths Opus fair against lion's eye in temp league?

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