2.6.1 Patch Notes

Note: Under the new system, it's possible to delete a character without losing microtransactions. The warning for deleting characters with microtransactions has been removed, but the regular deletion warning is still there. It is now possible to delete characters with items affected by Skin Transfers. Also, because microtransaction effects are not directly bound to items, the warning that you get when selling an item to a vendor doesn't occur any more. We will look into ways to make vendoring items safer.

would it be possible to get the warning re-done for dropping items as well? I skinned many items specifically so that I don't drop them on the ground or vendor them by mistake (most notably my flasks, legacy flasks with high/perfect rolls are very hard to replace)

perhaps a solution would be to make it possible to "lock" items to prevent selling, dropping, or being deleted, and make items with skin transfers on them be locked by default?
mardukthewolf wrote:

would it be possible to get the warning re-done for dropping items as well? I skinned many items specifically so that I don't drop them on the ground or vendor them by mistake (most notably my flasks, legacy flasks with high/perfect rolls are very hard to replace)

perhaps a solution would be to make it possible to "lock" items to prevent selling, dropping, or being deleted, and make items with skin transfers on them be locked by default?

I love this idea
patch failed, nice servers HYPERLUL
and i skinned all my flask because i vendored 2 legacy rumi and 1 legacy taste of hate...
hope you fix it soon
how about a progress update devs?
Since the patch failed anyways, please either leave /claim_crafting_benches in, or make it so even fresh accounts will have access to benches of masters high enough to have anything to apply, WITHOUT having to invite the master and lose rep on the one whose place it's taking. Or just flat-out remove losing rep - it never made all that much sense anyways, as did master limits by hideout size. Either way, they interact very poorly if the situation is left as-is but with the removal of /ccb.
People who don't like the Labyrinth are not a minority: Be heard - say you don't like it in your signature. Don't leave complaining about lab to others - GGG needs to see how many people dislike it. Ascendancy must be gated on true ARPG content, not a poorly-crafted internet Legend of Zelda wannabe.
It has been 9 hours, any update?
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
The old microtransaction system was so dumb, glad you finally improved it.
Yeah GGG, come on with an update on whats going on !!!

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