Whats everyone playing in the big expansion coming up?

It's 2-3 months away, and there are gonna be new skills plus a ton of balance changes, only crazy people would be planning for 3.0 now.
Well... Subject to change depending on new skills and rebalancing, I'll probably try to make my Caustic Arrow Scion again.

Since, things I like include: Bows, DoTs, Chaos Damage. So it's a natural fit for me.

Currently running with Caustic Arrow, Puncture, Essence Drain and Burning Arrow. Stacking Projectile Damage and Damage Over Time.

Hopefully new skills might supplement this.

The best part is that at its base, it doesn't need any uniques to function, so I'm free to SSF without issue (Aside from lack of Leo for Damage Over Time crafting).

Allowing me to take full advantage of whatever random uniques I get, of which I hope some new ones will be cool for the build (Less crit bows plx...)

But again, we'll see once we get a gander at the new skill gems next month (When the beta starts)
Since, technically, December 30th is "mid year", I'm going to wait a bit before I get excited about this.
Not sure. Will have to wait until I see what new skills are out and what buff/nerfs are like when they are rolled around.
Templar is my first roll every time.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Melee Life based. LUL
My builds:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1809378 - Lazor Inqusitor
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1781498 - Burning Arrow Raider
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1800999 - Perfect Formless Inferno Slayer
Probably something that is not melee, and not life/evasion based. I do this every League. I will probably go with one of these fancy channeling skills
Hail build Diversity,
Death to the speed clear meta.
definitely waiting for balance changes before anything is decided, but i'll probably be rolling SSF forever now so that means you gotta be very versatile.

thus i'll most likely keep my projectile damage raider for either ST or bows. tweak things depending on gear found
habeo wrote:
Melee Life based. LUL
DoubleU wrote:
Templar is my first roll every time.

Pants are heretical
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