New Types of Stash Tabs!


But tell me, are there plans to increase the inventory, or make it have tabs: "currency", "gear", "quest items".

Another good thing would be two little boxes, on the left just above the inventory, one for wisdom scrolls, other for portal scrolls, you know, for the things we all, always have on us.

i'd actually pay for inventory upgrade that includes such changes.
wonderful :) i have it now
Best Game ever :)
I don't usually post anything but I just want to give props to GGG for coming up with awesome non PTW purchase options. Now please, refrain from speaking and acquire my currency.
Last edited by Tulvas on Dec 7, 2016, 6:18:17 PM
I'm super thrilled about this update

I've been waiting for that div stash tab for forever

also yeah, we should be able to convert premiums we already own into quads
like 4-1 or something
Those quad tabs is a joke, right? I have 36 or so tabs just because i needed extra space. And now you release this?

like, WTF!

I demand premium Stash Tab upgrade to these! srsly!
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Cant wait for sexvigintabs - hopefully they come in a package with a premium magnifier.
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Being able to merge normal Premium Stash Tabs to Quad ones sure would be nice.
IGN: Vexivian

Divination stash tabs seem significantly worse than a regular stash tab for storing div cards in. Why would I want to only see six cards at a time when I can already see my entire collection of cards in one generic tab?
Great another disappointing feature from GGG.
Look at Bex, underpricing her items for sale.

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