The AH dream is dead.

People citing D3 AH failures as an example of why PoE shouldn't go down the same road clearly know very little about the D3 auction house. The entire reason the auction house was garbage is that it involved real money transactions. The fact that it was pay to win is what turned so many people off the game. Otherwise, the auction house was actually an amazing tool that really aided the overall experience of the game.
I'ma bump this because OG Diablo guy David Brevik (who is now a GGG advisor) agrees with Chris that an AH would be a disaster unless GGG introduces soulbinding to items. Starts at 1hr9min up to 1hr14min.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
I'ma bump this because OG Diablo guy David Brevik (who is now a GGG advisor) agrees with Chris that an AH would be a disaster unless GGG introduces soulbinding to items. Starts at 1hr9min up to 1hr14min.

No, he's advising item binding NOW because of Starting around 1h 9m, he describes how came about, how it affected the forums and how GGG had to make the trade api to save the forum servers from getting slammed.

But since GGG is now endorsing by having a trade api, they are committed to convenient trade.

(around 1h 12m 43s), he mentions people asking for an AH, and he says for GGG to "fix" it they need to "bite the bullet and do "that" (ie., an AH), and make bound items, 1/2 gear bound, 1/2 gear bought.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Xavderion wrote:
I'ma bump this because OG Diablo guy David Brevik (who is now a GGG advisor) agrees with Chris that an AH would be a disaster unless GGG introduces soulbinding to items. Starts at 1hr9min up to 1hr14min.

But he's saying that he told Chris to make an AH, and also introduce some kind of soulbinding while at it. The "disaster" is now (3rd party AH without soulbinding).
✠ ✠
Thing is, he doesn't propose anything new. If he was to advise every arpg I bet he would propose item binding again.

If he is praised as much as I see around, why doesn't he come up with a new solution without sticking binding into everything as if it were WoW?

What works on mmorpg, obviously doesn't work well in most cases on arpgs. just look at d3 at its current state, you've an arcade game with zero complexity and only name of diablo left and wowlike item bind on acc.

There is no challenge to put binding gear into game, the challenge is to make a system with free items like now and making trade work and yet not disrupt flow of personal progression. I've yet to see any arpg do that (multiplayer, single player obviously don't have such problems).
Spreading salt since 2006
I'll b happy, if they do something about trading, I'm bored of spending a lot of time on alt-tab to and copy/paste whisper and no answer and do it again and again... than till I buy 1belt is like 15min gone, those 15min I could play t game and have fun... it can b AH or something else but plz do something with it... I like this game a lot, but trading is wery boring and slow at t moment. And worst is I'm forced to trade cos to wait for right item drop, or craft it can take months with this RNG. But till GGG don't do anything with it, we will have to keep trying instead of keep playing. GL&HF all...
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
If PoE trade is so frustrating to use, then simply dont use it all. Just play the game and have fun and no one needs to feel that their "precious time" is wasted.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
The AH is dead! Long live the AH!

But seriously, GGG has always never wanted PoE to have an AH and still never wants PoE to have an AH so we all need to quit asking for one. What we should all be asking for is asynchronous trade function so we can just buy whenever we want and let the seller be AFK forever.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
IWannaPeonU wrote:
People citing D3 AH failures as an example of why PoE shouldn't go down the same road clearly know very little about the D3 auction house. The entire reason the auction house was garbage is that it involved real money transactions. The fact that it was pay to win is what turned so many people off the game. Otherwise, the auction house was actually an amazing tool that really aided the overall experience of the game.

Nah it had nothing to do with real money it was a combination of the game being balanced around the AH (very limited drops of appropriate gear), very simple itemization (many characters shared stats on the gear choking the supply) and the difficulty being ramped so high it required gear from the next act to clear the one you were currently in, unless you were a ranged cheese class obviously in which case you could go 100% dps and accept you'd one shot everything but get oneshot yourself if you ever got hit.

the RMAH played a role in that they balanced the game around heavy use of it so they could profit, but the real issue was the design not the fact it used money. Upgrades were unbelievably rare and unbelievably expensive.

This isn't the case in PoE because the character types dilute the available drops which are far more common than they were in D3 anyway, everybody isn't fighting for the same gear and when they are prices rise (like ES gear in general this league), if they choked it massively and 90% of the players couldn't afford to progress you'd have D3 vanilla in a nutshell, the extra items selling for 200$ would just be an extra middle finger to all the normal players :)

Draegnarrr wrote:

Nah it had nothing to do with real money it was a combination of the game being balanced around the AH (very limited drops of appropriate gear), very simple itemization (many characters shared stats on the gear choking the supply) and the difficulty being ramped so high it required gear from the next act to clear the one you were currently in, unless you were a ranged cheese class obviously in which case you could go 100% dps and accept you'd one shot everything but get oneshot yourself if you ever got hit.

I could swear you were talking about POE as I read this...

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