Channelled Skill Teaser Video

Really did not expect the laser skill to be fire since we already have Incinerate. Still, looks pretty cool. Hope it's actually not shit as it seems most of my favorite skills are kinda crappy. (Wild Strike ;_; )
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
So first Siege Ballistas (Aka Demon Hunter turrets) and now a fire version of a D3 Archon Wizard laser?

Totally out-of-the-box and NOT disappointing!
New 3D art for Cloak of Flames? Or has that been a thing already?

That skill reminds me of some corrupted Piety shenanigans.
I'm more excited about that cloak of flame 3d art than the new skill. I will definitely be trying this out. Too bad its probably a month away
[User Social Credit Score: 596]

Have you ever sprayed water from a hose? Does the water at the end of the spray move instantaneously as you redirect the nozzle?

I get what you mean. I think some kind of sweeping motion would look nice. Might be easier said than done, however.
Is this a fucking joke...incinerate 2.0
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
RIP incinerate. I wonder why GGG does not retire old skills when better versions come out?
I'm beyond excited to see a laser skill! I'm bummed that it's apparently a fire skill. I'd love to see it interact in an interesting way with added damage in such a way that added damage determined the "flavor" of the apparent DoT.

I'm surprised that people saw this and jumped to incinerate and not searing bond. Mechanically I think it'll be a lot more like searing bond than incinerate. This is all speculation, but I strongly doubt it will be a projectile. I also doubt it will be AoE, although I'd certainly be glad to be wrong on that point.

Regardless, I'll roll a character for it, and pick up the inevitable blue [insert skill name here] MTX for it. Crossing my fingers for a Shaper MTX, but not holding my breath.

Keep up the good work GGG!
It would have made more sense as lightning or even ice considering this looks like a single projectile incinerate...
I kinda have mixed feelings about this. All things considered, I'm not a fan.

Looks clunky to use, because it forces you to stand still and it doesn't seem to deliver a lot of incremental dmg, if it delivers any at all. For comparison: Flameblast delivers one huge bang, and allows the player to move, while an ignite can still deal damage to a target, let alone flameblast kills packs just as fast, if not faster. This "beam" looks like it does not ignite for continuous dmg at all. Might be OK with totems, if it is stackable when having two totems on the same target.

Could be a good boss killer, unless you are forced to move constantly (Yay, more broken decoy totem abuse), or your target moves around quicker than you can direct this thing, but for mapping this beam looks way too "sub 10M exp/h" in the long run. Don't gimme that "clearspeed-meta-is-bad" crap, because as long as I can oneshot packs effortlessly with what feels like +20 other skills, this beam remains a single target option only, and it'd better be fucking awesome for single target, because otherwise that skill is born dead.

I know this is not what the guys aboard the hypetrain want to hear, but that's just the way I see it.

I would have loved to see one of the other skills rather than this one, but that's personal preference, I guess.
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

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