☆ [Outdated] Sarang's TS/LA/Barrage Archer | Pathfinder | Crit Bow | Videos | Budget Version ☆

HeimdallFury wrote:
Hi. Very nice guide for a nice gameplay. Thanks Sarang.

I'm struggling for a moment regarding the use of Wise Oak... Your resistances are already overcapped with gear so what's the point of Wise Oak? It's pretty useless or I'm missing something?

24% penetration is a HUGE dps gain.
I got extremely lucky and chanced a pair of Skyforths. Im wondering what type of bow upgrade i should go for. Is a legacy Rotc better than Opus or is there something else to consider?
djnat wrote:
HeimdallFury wrote:
Hi. Very nice guide for a nice gameplay. Thanks Sarang.

I'm struggling for a moment regarding the use of Wise Oak... Your resistances are already overcapped with gear so what's the point of Wise Oak? It's pretty useless or I'm missing something?

24% penetration is a HUGE dps gain.

Sure but since all res are capped, Wise Oak provides no elemental penetration... Damn, I hate missing something that seems obvious for everyone...
Last edited by HeimdallFury on Apr 11, 2017, 2:54:01 PM
@TristanKMF: Very little to gain from the Blessed, unless you have them to burn. I do like my Implicits to be 49%+ though. As for Divine, you can but the % Phys is already fairly good (117/125 is close to 75% percentile), your choice as it can add up quickly. I prefer my rolls to be higher than 75% percentile though, so you would need ideally 17-33 Flat Phys and ~121% Phys to achieve that. Also the new videos were all recorded with Death's Opus and non-Legacy Vinktar.

@Reshan321: Imo Raider also strong, check out Nephalim's Guide that I linked in the opening post, really depend on your playstyle and whether you like Flask juggling or not. I find some folks do not like that, so Raider is a little more independent of that nature plus matching or better mobility. Definitely Vinktar though no matter what, Flask is broken.

@Zekk: In video I am using a Basalt Flask which with Flask Effect was 24% Reduced Physical Damage taken at the time, you can see the Basalt Flask buff on my bar at ~5:25 or so in the video. I actually made a mistake there, should have seen it coming. Strategy with Izaro is to keep him on the edge of your screen so you can see forecasted attacks like that. The AOE is not large and you can step out of the way, but you need practice to know whether you need to dodge left or dodge right from the slash.

@HeimdallFury: When the flask refer to your "Uncapped Resistances" it is the number that is in the paranthesis in your Character Tab. So refer to this example screenshot:

In this case all Resistances are matching, once you hit Wise Oak doesn't matter what your capped values are, you are gonna get 24% Penetration (base flask effect + 20% Flask effect from Ascendancy) on all 3 elements because all 3 numbers in the parentheses are gonna be matching. With this build and Vinktar & Dying Sun as the two endgame flask options at least, it works out great because the bulk of your damage is PTL Gem (50% Lightning Conversion) and Signal Fire (50% Fire Conversion), to start get those matching then you can use TOH later to match the Cold Damage as well but not necessary. Most important is Fire/Lightning damage.

@Jackis: Need numbers to confirm but in a vacuum, ~420 pDPS Harb > Double Legacy Reach > Death's Opus > Single Legacy Reach > ~350 pDPS Harb

Keep in mind this could change depending on your gear. For example for Harbingers, generally Opal Ring > Diamond Ring > Steel Ring, whereas for Death's Opus, Steel > Diamond > Opal. Your Crit Chance, Crit Multi, and AS also factor here.

Updating tonight with Lioneye Fall tree.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Apr 11, 2017, 6:49:01 PM
Love the information in this guide, very helpful! Just wondering which tree you recommend following for uber lab farming WITHOUT Atziri's Acuity? I was going off this tree "End-Game "Traditional" Tree v2"
for damage, but Vaal Pact isn't included. Should I use 3 points to reach it or will regular life leech be sufficient? Maybe drop a jewel socket node?


Edit: Gear if it helps. In the process of getting a Vinktar

Last edited by 4ride on Apr 11, 2017, 8:02:39 PM
@_Saranghaeyo_: got it. Thanks a lot.
Survive with Layered Defenses. With current Gear/Tree & Flasks,

6.8K Life Pool with non-Legacy Kaom's Heart, 6K Life with Belly of the Beast
20K+ Evasion w/ Jade Flask
Acrobatics + Phase Acrobatics Keystones
Arrow Dancing Keystone
Movement Speed
Life/Mana on Kill with Assassin's Mark Curse on Hit
Flasks uptime grants us Resistances, more damage, and more to instantly leech.

Guys, if you think you won't get one shot by Guardians (even non corrupted ones) with this setup, then I must disappoint you: You will.
Last edited by forsajt on Apr 12, 2017, 4:31:20 PM
@4ride: Yup you will have to have Instant Leech somewhere and if you can't have access to Acuity (or Legacy Vinktar since it's available in the league) you would have to take Vaal Pact. Use the 3rd Tree in the list, I moved it up to reflect priority for Vaal Pact.

forsajt wrote:
Survive with Layered Defenses. With current Gear/Tree & Flasks,

6.8K Life Pool with non-Legacy Kaom's Heart, 6K Life with Belly of the Beast
20K+ Evasion w/ Jade Flask
Acrobatics + Phase Acrobatics Keystones
Arrow Dancing Keystone
Movement Speed
Life/Mana on Kill with Assassin's Mark Curse on Hit
Flasks uptime grants us Resistances, more damage, and more to instantly leech.

Guys, if you think you won't get one shot by Guardians (even non corrupted ones) with this setup, then I must disappoint you: You will.

Then I must be the best video editor in the world since all of my Guardian/Shaper videos must be fake?

Private profile, post history where it looks like you're just going to all the bow guides here and asking if it's Shaper viable. I don't even know what to say really.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
First, as everyone can see, the T16 maps you run have easy mods rolled (I wonder how many chaos the build user has to spend before running them?) Second, it is worth noticing, that you are running them with a Brood Twine or similar mirror-worthy bow instead of Death Opus. I have only watched Hydra and Minotaur videos, but I can see that you were almost one shot by Minotaur (the easiest of the Guardians) at 1:43, and you would be dead, only if a flask wasn't active at that time. What I want to say, is that 6k life build is far from being "endgame viable", and by endgame viability, I mean entering T16/Shaper map with some dose of certainty, that you can complete it deathless or at least with few portals left (which is easily achievable with cheap 10k ES pool builds, for example). But as everyone can see in your videos, successful defeat of a T16 boss (not mentioning a corrupted one) with this build, requires a mix of luck, good manual skills and insane amount of damage dealt (which you achieve due to Brood Twine and some abusive mechanic that will be patched soon) which further decreases the fight time (i.e. amount of potential boss' deadly attacks), thus increasing your luck. My point was to make players aware, that a build requiring such huge investment is not really worth it, if you end up with something, that can be one shot by endgame boss (which IS the case for a 6k life build, no matter what you do) and in some cases even unable to kill T16 boss, if you are out of luck (especially while using a Death Opus instead of Brood Twine).


I will not comment on the personal insult part of your post.

Last edited by forsajt on Apr 13, 2017, 7:13:55 AM
You know I just like the look of Harb/Decimation Bow so I skinned it into my Deaths Opus. So yeah in no way is that a Brood Twine or close.

Videos are examples? I just took what I had and ran with it. There is also an implied value that you have to at least use your brain a little to dodge stuff. This isn't a CI build and that's very clear, I didn't really say you were gonna facetank stuff with ease. In fact just read over my post, did I advertise this build as "zomg afk tank t16 ezpz"? I don't see where I did.

Anyways, sorry the build didn't work out for you. And me bringing up the post history is very relevant. It looks like you tried to build and failed all bow variants in this subforum. Please try to prove me wrong by providing your gear/tree, otherwise you seem to be a little lost and/or angry.


You were right about the Minotaur fight though. I'll definitely try not to get hit next time that way we don't have the issue of you trying to criticize both my DPS and positioning. Not that the whole "you're using Brood Twine zomg" argument had any leg to stand on.


Actually done without Instant Leech because I changed my build for Uber Lab farm and I took out my Legacy Vinktar. Didn't matter in the end because I didn't get hit.

Tried to Vaal the map but it didn't turn into any 8-mod or whatever. Will see if I can get another but I farmed out all my Shaper Sets in Standard and am pushing 100 atm.

Clearly it's a Brood Twine tho amirite

Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Apr 13, 2017, 9:11:58 AM

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