Hillary Clinton

And Ecuador and England decided enough is enough from Julian Assange and his stolen personal emails talking about who to campaign towards and how to handle the absurdity of all the right wing attacks. No mas internet access for you senior. They are comparing this to Watergate, and I do think they are right, it is almost exactly the information the thieves at the hotel were after.
Hey...is this thing on?
Good dogs know when to pounce
That feel when the conspiracy theorists were 100% right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
That feel when the conspiracy theorists were 100% right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY

I particularly enjoyed the "We're starting anarchy here." line at [0:36].

I'd love to see someone provide any other context than . . . you know, starting anarchy.

Then you wonder when republican HQ's get firebombed. More blood on Clinton's hands and more to come.
This whole election is literally better than all seasons of House of Cards combined. America really is the pinnacle of entertainment.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Here's a current fake protest in front of Trump Tower, organized by Aaron Black, one of the guys from the video above.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
well, we can vote for the candidate that fashioned his campaign after the UKIP party and brexit vote. No conspired fake outrage there at all, in those campaigns. The UKIP party has had their third leader quit since the vote, since nobody wants to claim that steaming hot mess, what could go wrong?
Hey...is this thing on?
Xavderion wrote:
That feel when the conspiracy theorists were 100% right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY

That's some scary shit right there.
diablofdb wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
That feel when the conspiracy theorists were 100% right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY
That's some scary shit right there.

So now we're expected to believe these recent claims of decade-old sexual predation? The "conspiracy theory" was that the DNC would never systematically stage entire groups of liars... oh wait, they totally would, nevermind.

Better vote while you still can.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Oct 17, 2016, 6:06:11 PM
LostForm wrote:
well, we can vote for the candidate that fashioned his campaign after the UKIP party and brexit vote. No conspired fake outrage there at all, in those campaigns. The UKIP party has had their third leader quit since the vote, since nobody wants to claim that steaming hot mess, what could go wrong?

Here is Hillary's party - the D.N.C. when it is behaving itself:


Consider that the only reason the DNC is being covert is because they are not 100% certain their media collusion, election rigging and Soros produced voting machines will pull off a win.
States + D.C. with Soros' voting machines:

District of Columbia
New Jersey

*after* a potential Hillary win, the government's nice guy gloves will come off. The people who foolishly thought the media wasn't insanely biased to the left are now being proven to be completely naive. CNN is Hillary's seventh largest campaign donor. Questions given to Hillary in advance. Her campaign being given stories to approve or alter before publication. The INSANE attempt to hide the information coming out from Wikileaks. It goes on and on and on and on....

History is replete with examples of the violence that a corrupt government with no opponents brings. It isn't about whether one side or the other started out with good intentions, or noble goals. If this was a complete GOP coup with media collusion and the same methods it would be just as bad.

Absolute power never ends well.

For those who doubt game changing election fraud for this election *might* happen, here's an interesting analysis saying it already has:

The study is in .pdf form here:


the study's references and methodology are here:


Even Clinton's campaign takes the voter fraud issue seriously:

From Wikileaks:
To: john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2015-05-14
Subject: Re: Colorado

"Yep Brynne lets loop Jessy and David on our end John will let you know when done On Thursday

<john.podesta@gmail.com> wrote: High importance. I met with Jim and Mike in Denver. They are both old friends of the Clintons and have lots of experience. Mike hosted our Boulder Road Show event. They are reliving the 08 caucuses where they believe the Obama forces flooded the caucuses with ineligible voters.

They want to organize lawyers for caucus protection, election protection and to raise hard $. They are not just Colorado focused and have good contacts in the region Mike is likely to talk to WJC about this in the near future.

Marlon and Brynne, can you respond to the org chart request and give them some points of contact. Marc can you reach out to them on the lawyer election protection issues. Thanks.

---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "Lyons, James M."
John, following up: can you get us an org chart and the names of the persons in charge of caucus organization and super delegates here? Mike and I are eager to help and have a number of lawyers willing to pitch in. Thanks and good to see you here in God’s country
—. Jim"

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Last edited by DalaiLama on Oct 17, 2016, 7:51:48 PM

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