Gameplay Help - 1-line answers to common questions.

Why do I keep dying?
Max your resists, get more life on gear, get more life nodes.

Why do I keep dying? (CI edition)
Caustic Mana flask.

Why isn't this item/gem/skill/etc increasing my damage by the right percentage?

How come none of my attacks are dealing any damage?
Because you have ancestral bond.

What build should I make?
Bladefall poison trapper.

How do I deal with reflect/bearers/volatiles/etc?
Bladefall poison trapper.

Why aren't my on-hit effects working?
Because you are using a spell, and those particular on hit effects say they only work for attacks.

Why don't I get charges from hits/kills made by totems/traps/minions?
Rule of thumb: If you didn't do the hit or kill yourself, you won't get the benefits.

Why aren't my projectiles chaining?
Because you have too much pierce chance.

Is this item worth exalting?
No. But do it anyway. Then post the results. :)

Can I post my own questions below?
Yes. But any answers must be one line.

If I convert my damage, can I have extra separate multipliers to my damage i.e. double dip?
No. Typed Bonuses only apply once, but do apply if Damage was ever a Type during conversion.

Why is chaos damage bypassing my ES with shavs and I'm dying at full ES?
It's not. You're getting culled.

How do I build currency AND use currency at the same time?
You can't sustain currency without selling stuff. So, learn item values. Also, use the chaos recipe.

Am I wrong that regals are actually more valuable than chaos orbs?

Is it possible to get 4 blues on this? Why can't I get 4 reds on this?
Socket colour chances are based on stat requirements! Int = +B, Dex = +G, Str = +R
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Last edited by dudiobugtron on Jul 15, 2016, 5:34:47 PM
Last bumped on Jul 15, 2016, 5:30:38 PM
Can a question be more than one line long, or this restriction is for answers only?
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Awesome dudio! Funny but true. Another common topic on these forums is conversion, but I'm not quite sure how to condense the answer into one line. Maybe something like:

If I convert my damage, can I have extra separate multipliers to my damage i.e. double dip?
No. Typed Bonuses only apply once, but do apply if Damage was ever a Type during conversion.
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Last edited by adghar on Jul 14, 2016, 11:47:42 PM
Nice work adghar!

silumit wrote:
Can a question be more than one line long, or this restriction is for answers only?

If your question is more than one line long, we'll condense it for you! :)
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Should I play this game?

Why not?
Been playing since August of 2013 and I barely have a few exalted orbs to my name (most good build-enabling items cost at least a few, if not two digit numbers). This game isn't the least bit rewarding.
dudiobugtron wrote:

How come none of my attacks are dealing any damage?
Because you have ancestral bond.

not necessarily. may also be this and not a melee skill (or Spectral Throw)
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Natharias wrote:
Should I play this game?

Why not?
Been playing since August of 2013 and I barely have a few exalted orbs to my name (most good build-enabling items cost at least a few, if not two digit numbers). This game isn't the least bit rewarding.

Dude, you're so bad at this. Read the topic title. Was that one line? No, it was not.
Natharias wrote:
Should I play this game?

Why not?
Been playing since August of 2013 and I barely have a few exalted orbs to my name (most good build-enabling items cost at least a few, if not two digit numbers). This game isn't the least bit rewarding.

Dude, you're so bad at this. Read the topic title. Was that one line? No, it was not.

Honestly the more mind blowing part is, is that he's building wealth at the rate of 1 Exalt per year. That's some scary shit.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Jul 15, 2016, 12:05:32 PM
Why is chaos damage bypassing my ES with shavs and I'm dying at full ES?
It's not. You're getting culled.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Last edited by mark1030 on Jul 15, 2016, 12:16:58 PM
Natharias wrote:
Should I play this game?

Why not?
Been playing since August of 2013 and I barely have a few exalted orbs to my name (most good build-enabling items cost at least a few, if not two digit numbers). This game isn't the least bit rewarding.

Dude, you're so bad at this. Read the topic title. Was that one line? No, it was not.

Honestly the more mind blowing part is, is that he's building wealth at the rate of 1 Exalt per year. That's some scary shit.


has it occurred to you, some people do not "build wealth", at any rate?
I have... zero Exalts right now. 1 Divine. in Standard.
seen... 10 Exalts total/ever? in 3.5 years + all leagues combined ...
hilarious haha, right? yes: drop rates can be that fucking abysmal for players who want stuff to actually drop.

and even then - what is an Exalt anyway? it's an orb, that adds one fucking affix to one fucking rare item.
AND there's RNG in that too, so get ready to throw it at an item-level 80 awesome rare that's missing just one thing, and get Thorned or worse: get that one affix you want. lowest tier. +3 life. tro lo lo lo.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Jul 15, 2016, 12:20:40 PM

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