Fan Meetup/GDC Update

no girls again? :O
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

Looks sausage
Topics like server reliability, Latin America expansion and how to improve our PR outreach were discussed today.

Expand to Japan. Dooo eeet.

But don't use Garena. Yuck.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
So I guess you guys gotta mute yourselves now, it's only fair.
that bar, though, looks kinda fancy. do you prefer those over old and rusty pubs?
Hey, hey! It's the Postal Dude! Get him!
It was a fun night, though my back is against the picture lol >.>

The area is larger than show in the picture, there is a large lounge area just to the right of the picture where other people were hanging out too.

I'm sad Chris didn't have a drink on me FeelsBadMan

You know, it would be better if we could request exchange duplicated armour part @ value euqals/higher for a different part of the armour set
One Kiwi at the time !!
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
Had such a great time! Thanks again for the chance to meet up with you guys and pick your brain! Lucky enough to even kind of get in the pic a bit (nerd moment!) thats me in the glasses on the right side of the table chatting with Erik!!
Chris wrote:
We had some fascinating conversations with players about the "giftiness" of the Perandus league, both about how it affects player retention (positively so far!) and how it affects player expectations for future leagues.

This sounds interesting! Any chance to share some of them for those unlucky ones that live in Europe? :)
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Alabamak wrote:
no girls again? :O


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