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The Solaris Mystery Box

At least GGG should make something that i can remove unwanted MTX out of my MTX stash .. cuz theres no way they gonna make a trade option for those gloves / boots ..
Game never lie !!
Last edited by huylucid on Apr 17, 2016, 5:00:43 AM
I think the best way to go about this is just let us trade two set pieces of the same type for another random piece from the set. I.e. trade in two alabaster boots for another random piece ... maybe make that piece not the same as what you traded in to avoid getting another pair of boots. At the very least the system retains some of its randomness but lets people, the ones who support your game, who have 4+ pieces of the same bloody pair of boots or gloves (and probably a sour taste in their mouth) trade them in for hopefully the piece they're missing. Surely that's not asking too much?

This is coming from someone who has both the full radiant and alabaster seraph set out of $100 in pts, plus most of the other micro-transactions and weapon effects.
Yea i agree with this I got the highest supporter pack spent all my points, got a whole lot of duplicate that i will never use and didn't manage to get a single radiant helm. Although i did that to support the game i would have much preferred the option to swap duplicate with other stuff.
Bought 2 boxes - got 2 skin transfer pack ¬¬ : What are the chances of this s*** happens?
I mean, I feel scammed right now...You guys could at LEAST show the percentages to get the items, because this underhand strategies gonna end you with no money gain...
Last edited by Lvzb3l on May 1, 2016, 7:17:11 AM
Still nothing new? [Removed by support]
Last edited by Eben_GGG on May 4, 2016, 5:13:06 AM
oh finaly feeling offended? good, now what about some anserws?
Last edited by Iflon on May 4, 2016, 6:23:04 AM
I find it funny after waiting this long we got no anserw but calling GGG bunch of fucking jew's trigger an EDIT withing "2Min" 2min??? and some of us been waiting how many days / weeks for an anserw?

Would the jews please gather around the table and come up with something for the community. some anserw's or even better some actual solutions.

this can't possible be to much to ask for? can it?

and dont give me that old shit "with that tone one deserws nothing" cause trying to be slightly polite about it, that obviously didnt work

Last edited by Iflon on May 4, 2016, 7:11:01 AM

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