PoE Planner - Online Build Planner

not sure if you are aware, but import function isnt workin :/
Will Poe planner import a pastebin url? As I copy and paste the full url ie https://pastebin.com/U9s0zLWy into the import field, then click import and nothing happens, I would be grateful if you could please let me know, kindest regards and thank you
Hello. Great work with the service, but I believe that it lacks a useful feature - order of taking points, so you can see the priorities of a build. I see it like a slider at the bottom that goes from 0 to 123 and when you move it, nodes light up in order.
I realize the Passive Tree is your main focus on PoE Planner, but would it be possible for you to add the new unique items to the list?

This has been requested before...

I'd love to be able to hide or change the size of the left sidebar. It would be nice to have a more compact version of the right side bar as well.
I love your planner but it has erased my saved builds at least two times. could you pls fix that?
Hi, I love the tool. could you please make the site remember the login? It asks me to login again every time I open the site. Thank you.
This is a great tool! Thank you.

I noticed that 3 passive nodes (including 1 notable) are missing. The notable is "Risk Awareness". The 3-pack is normally just to the left of the Duelist start.
Haemophilia https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Haemophilia
The listing in the app is missing the "Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding" mod.
theres no close combat support gem

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