Poll:What should GGG do with Dominating Blow?


here is an example of what the support gem could look like from what i heard people proposing when we spoke about this in threads and chats
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure on Feb 7, 2016, 2:24:28 PM
I say 'other'

- Make minions last longer.
- Give them more move speed, the way spectres have.
- Cap the amount to five or something.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Not a good idea to poll for stuff like this... a rational argument is much better for the game. Many players will call for a buff just because they like the idea of over powering the game. Many players will call for a nerf simply because they enjoy overcoming hardships.

Game design shouldn't be based on polls.

I'd say that Dominating blow needs what all single target skills need... something. The game is far too stacked against single target play.
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Feb 7, 2016, 2:41:37 PM
Shagsbeard wrote:
Not a good idea to poll for stuff like this... a rational argument is much better for the game. Many players will call for a buff just because they like the idea of over powering the game. Many players will call for a nerf simply because they enjoy overcoming hardships.

Game design shouldn't be based on polls.

I'd say that Dominating blow needs what all single target skills need... something. The game is far too stacked against single target play.
Are you implying that everybody is a fucking moron but GGG devs?

Seriously, i believe that POEsters are capable of using reason and vote with logic.

Anyway, looking at the numbers of how many people are using it there wont be much sympathy vote lol

And that "something" you say is AOE and DB had a very unique way of getting AOE and it was minions, mechanic that GGG killed over the past 3 patches
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure on Feb 7, 2016, 2:50:17 PM
Nope. There's lots of smart people out there. Polls don't reflect that.... in fact they hide it.
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Feb 7, 2016, 2:52:01 PM
Shagsbeard wrote:
I'd say that Dominating blow needs what all single target skills need... something. The game is far too stacked against single target play.

That's exactly why I asked for those things. To use it comfortably all the time it needs splash and multistrike to help with targeting and that locks you down to two melee supports which means dominated ranged monsters will suck ass, and melee monsters aren't really all that usaful, most of the time they just trip one another.

So, I think it needs a different approach, its high mana cost is an argument against spammability so why not take it to the extreme. Make the skill unable to miss and give it more damage, culling strike and a cooldown, like Vigilant Strike. So, if we do that you need a reason to bother with actually finishing monsters with it and there the duration and cap come in, if you make it last long and provide strong monsters by enabling us to properly support them it may be something of a stronger, riskier version of raise spectre. The main problem will be giving it the right amount of duration, if it's too long it will become raise spectre and if it's too short nobody will bother.

Unfortunately, it also means it would have to deactivate auras on rare monsters, having an aura monster around for half a map wold be a bit OP. Also, it would be nice to have more general supports to go with it, if controlled destruction worked on attacks too it would be pretty awesome.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Feb 7, 2016, 3:12:01 PM
Poll about aRPG mechanic

Option #1: Buff it!
Option #2-oo: Who cares, we know the answer already...
Not a signature.
Turbodevil wrote:
Poll about aRPG mechanic

Option #1: Buff it!
Option #2-oo: Who cares, we know the answer already...
Well, ask the same question " Nerf or Buff bladefall" pretty sure (hope Players are smart enough) Nerf will come way before buff
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Dominating blow needs to be less confusing. The resurrected mobs should have some clear graphical difference from regular mobs. That alone would make the skill way more usable.
Dominating blow needs to be less confusing. The resurrected mobs should have some clear graphical difference from regular mobs. That alone would make the skill way more usable.

A big-ass glowing cross over their heads and the light nimbus aren't enough?
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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