Mathil's Voltaxic Crit LA/Blast Rain - Cruise control the entire game. Uber Atziri Viable 2.2 ready

Nitorita wrote:
Damier wrote:

LA + GMP + WED + Added Lightning + Void Manipulation + _ONLY_ holds true if you re using a Helmet with the enchant "Lightning arrow hits 2(3) additional enemies" _AND_ are Deadeye. I've tested it w/o being Deadeye or being Deadeye and w/o the helmet enchant. It was a bit lackluster.

So If you dont have the enchant and you re not Deadeye it is:

LA + GMP + WED + Chain + Added Lightning +6L would be Void Manipulation.

I agree on the Blastrain order though.

Ah, then what if I am Deadeye BUT don't possess that enchantment on the helmet? What would change in the LA link?

The cheapest Rat's Nest with that particular enchantment is 20ex, which is clearly not a budget play. There are cheaper non-Rat's Nest alternatives though.

Would you say grabbing the enchantment is practically a necessity for the build? If so, I will search around for something reasonable.

IMO the LA enchantment is not a requirement. I'm currently running with a chain gem in my LA set up and still clearing uber in ~8 minutes
IRL stuff
Nitorita wrote:
Damier wrote:

LA + GMP + WED + Added Lightning + Void Manipulation + _ONLY_ holds true if you re using a Helmet with the enchant "Lightning arrow hits 2(3) additional enemies" _AND_ are Deadeye. I've tested it w/o being Deadeye or being Deadeye and w/o the helmet enchant. It was a bit lackluster.

So If you dont have the enchant and you re not Deadeye it is:

LA + GMP + WED + Chain + Added Lightning +6L would be Void Manipulation.

I agree on the Blastrain order though.

Ah, then what if I am Deadeye BUT don't possess that enchantment on the helmet? What would change in the LA link?

The cheapest Rat's Nest with that particular enchantment is 20ex, which is clearly not a budget play. There are cheaper non-Rat's Nest alternatives though.

Would you say grabbing the enchantment is practically a necessity for the build? If so, I will search around for something reasonable.

Ultimately it depends on what you're trying to do.

My 6L chest piece was already set up as 2B1R from a previous buuld, so I've been running Deadeye with ICS instead of Chain and have had no qualms about the damage output. LA does so much damage that 1 chain seems to be plenty most of the time. However, I'm not running Uber or anything like that. Just the standard rotation of mostly tier 10-12 maps/Labyrinth/Master Dailies.
Having a great time with this build, seems my RNG has improved with it as well. Got a 40% Belly and Maligaro's from Cadiro not long after I switched to Voltaxic!

Went with Ricochet after trying Endless Munitions for a while, feels a fair bit faster with my 5L Bow and Chest at least.

Worth switching out Added Lightning for Void Manipulation in my Blast Rain 5L?
Ayvi wrote:
IMO the LA enchantment is not a requirement. I'm currently running with a chain gem in my LA set up and still clearing uber in ~8 minutes

Ultimately it depends on what you're trying to do.

My 6L chest piece was already set up as 2B1R from a previous buuld, so I've been running Deadeye with ICS instead of Chain and have had no qualms about the damage output. LA does so much damage that 1 chain seems to be plenty most of the time. However, I'm not running Uber or anything like that. Just the standard rotation of mostly tier 10-12 maps/Labyrinth/Master Dailies.

If I'm running Deadeye's Ricochet, should I drop the Chain gem for something else instead (speaking from a 5L perspective)? Or should I only drop it if I have the enchantment?

@nEgativezEro89: Is Increased Critical Strikes better than Power Charge on Critical? I've always been a bit more fond of the latter since it's performed more consistently for me (similar to Blood Rage).

They're both very similar and are the same socket colour, although PCoC can give up to 150% (on default three Power Charges). Both quality bonuses are the same (they give +20% Critical Strike Chance).
Last edited by Nitorita on Mar 23, 2016, 6:15:41 PM
So I have been steadily making progress on the build and atm my gear isn't too bad but my life is just 3k. Do you have any tips gear wise where i could put some more life? I think i also have a few more life nodes to pick up but at this point i don't think i am gonna get over 4k total.
hey mathil, im doing a scion LA build...

any idea on how to counter the 5% extra damage from the scion's ascendant berserker?

i realized 5% is quite a huge figure for eva build...
Is there any more consistent way to apply Assassins mark? I find I rarely have power charges if at all. Previous builds I used Split arrow to apply curses.
evenson wrote:
Is there any more consistent way to apply Assassins mark? I find I rarely have power charges if at all. Previous builds I used Split arrow to apply curses.

You are killing to fast xD. Run around and let Herald of Thunder, etc. proc the charges. If you kill to fast which this build pretty much does you will not proc charges a lot overall where you have them up all the time on the power charges.
Is Rat's Nest necessary if I'm already above 50% crit chance?
I'm currently using's_Devotion and I'm unsure if I should change it.
NewbieDOTcom wrote:
evenson wrote:
Is there any more consistent way to apply Assassins mark? I find I rarely have power charges if at all. Previous builds I used Split arrow to apply curses.

You are killing to fast xD. Run around and let Herald of Thunder, etc. proc the charges. If you kill to fast which this build pretty much does you will not proc charges a lot overall where you have them up all the time on the power charges.

yeah I just realized it's because I'm just one shotting packs. First world problems? haha.

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