[2.6] TankyTwirl - PhysSpell CoC Cyclone

You could do that but it will be VERY weak.

1. You would need loads of Accuracy on your gear because Binos isn´t a Vagan Dagger.

2. Most of the Poison Bladefall Power comes from the damage double dipping with Trap/Mine nodes. You can´t do that as CoC and Bladefall also can´t doubledip on Projectile Damage. Only thing it can do is Area damage and there isn´t much Area Damage on the Tree.

If you would like to play a Poison CoC better go EK and lots of Projectile Nodes.

3. Poison is a DoT and you can´t Leech from a DoT, this build stays alive with lots of Leech, Poison does not help at all.

Btw: Bought some Mystery Boxes! :)

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Last edited by ZweihundertMorder on Jun 6, 2016, 7:08:23 PM
So, I just managed to buy this from Vagan; could you advise on what you think is the best way for me to craft it. Dont have lvl8 Masters and I know it isn't the best base.

To start out just craft Crit Chance on it.

(lvl 5 Vagan has the best possible craft, if you dont have lvl 5 ask someone as you would need a lvl 7 to remove the lvl4 Crit mod)

If you want you could also just yolo Aug + Regal it.

Another option is to craft a bad affix you don´t want like accuracy and then Regal it. But you would need lvl 7 Masters to remove the bad affix after the regal to craft crit on it.

so uhm ye, TL:DR: Craft crit on it with lvl5 Vagan, if you like Regal or Aug before it.
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Perfect man, thanks for the quick, clear reply. Keep up the good work.
I'm trying to set up the auras atm, but according to the calculator even with the -4% mana reserved, I'd be short 3% if I'm using an Enlighten lvl 2.

Is it the Unique helm that allows you to fit them? Calculator shows I'd be short 3%.

The auras I'm using atm are Discipline, Hatred and I'd wanna link HoI as well.
Last edited by xecutable on Jun 7, 2016, 7:42:33 AM
Yes its the Vertex, it boosts a lvl 2 enlighten to lvl3 = 4% more reservation.

Until you can get a Vertex or lvl 3 enlighten i´d recommend specing into charisma.

Sorry about that i need to clear that up in the guide better and need to make a non-vertex/enlighten tree for the start of the League.
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what leveling unqiues do you recommend?

EK does very low damage while leveling.
Is there any reason you don't link HoI with CoH and a curse? Some mark for charges for example.

Started lvling character that will later use this build. Wish me luck :)
Level 58 now, damage and clearspeed is good, but I must say that power charge generation with cwdt-blade vortex sucks balls, I almost never have all charges up. And phys reflect is just plain impossible to do.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
If someone is intrested: a bit rambling and first atziri kill video: https://youtu.be/OC21stXC_-I


Use Bladevortex, its much better for leveling than EK.


We use a Warlords Mark on CwdT and don´t have the ability to dualcurse.


Do you use the BV in a 4 Link? Is the Cwdt a lvl 1?

I can say that its really not that good while leveling, but its 100% reliable when you get to maps.

Its just that cwdt lvl 1 takes 500 damage to activate and while in maps even a white mob can hit for 500 its just harder to trigger while leveling. Especialy if you kill everything fast so you don´t get hit much at all.

Don´t know what kind of Reflect you talk about, if its just reflect rares, with a Granite Flask and a cwdt immortal call i had zero problems with any reflect rare.
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Last edited by ZweihundertMorder on Jun 7, 2016, 9:31:05 AM

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