Donald Trump

Idk about that. There are always going to be fringe lunatics. If there are groups that both the right and the left agree deserve not to be listened to, they both need to do their part. The left needs to stop bringing it up in the media and giving them free advertising and attention (I didn't know who David Duke was until the media tried to do the 'gotchya' moment on Trump). We could do without the dishonestly of having a list of people a politician needs to disavow or else they're a Neonazi.

On the right, they can and should make it clear to these people: You can vote for who you want, you can run your own advertisements on your own dime, but don't take their money, and don't sit at the table with them when it comes to anything political.

Michael Jordan, during his playing days, was at times criticized for not speaking out on political and racial issues. His answer on why not? "Republicans buy shoes too". If I were a politician I would want everyone's vote. The idea that a white supremacist may see me as a more valid and preferable political option than a hypothetical opponent both wouldn't bother me, and also wouldn't make me a white supremacist. I also wouldn't take their money, or their phone calls, and wouldn't for one second tolerate any media bullshit on the subject without strident objection.
Thing is this time the fringe lunatic is on the ballot. I cannot just say "it's just a minority of crazy". Blaming the left media for that is a cop out (yes, they may have helped Trump with the free advertising, but that only worked in the Republican primaries, not for the general).

Also, David Duke almost was a governor in the past, so it's not an unknown (also, he knew Trump from the Reform party). I knew him before all this election madness (thanks internet).
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Last edited by NeroNoah on Aug 21, 2016, 4:40:03 PM
The responsibility of good media is to do actual investigative journalism, not have a guest on for the sake of ratings then spring a trap question on said guest.

If you want to say that whatever relationship Trump has with Duke, or Putin, or whoever demonstrates hypocrisy or danger on the part of his campaign, write about it with truth being your objective, not 'gotchya' moments on TV for ratings, and to keep your show/network/interview in the next 3 news cycles.

I'm not blaming the left media for everything, and I really don't think it's a cop out to wish that they had some integrity and talent.

You may be right that Duke is more of an exception in terms of national profile. I've studied the Klan in rural Ohio/Indiana in a historical context, and I'm well aware - more than most in fact - just how many government positions the Klan has filled and to what lofty and powerful heights they've filled them. But how many disavowals are enough? Should Trump have to say he's not a neonazi every hour on the hour? You think Tapper didn't know that he just disavowed the guy two days before?

Now Trump, in his infinite stupidity, answered poorly two days later. But I'd say laying a lot of cynical blame at the feet of the media for this isn't a cop out.
Univision (which represents Latinos and just bought Gawker btw) is getting kinda desperate, they're spreading straightout lies about The Donald going full Reagan:
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Why would they be desperate? Donald is losing. Univision is probably trolling, though.

He could do that because he is so random. It would amuse me way too much. 5D Naked Twister.


innervation wrote:
Now Trump, in his infinite stupidity, answered poorly two days later. But I'd say laying a lot of cynical blame at the feet of the media for this isn't a cop out.

I think it was pandering (because he actually knew the guy). Or 7D Magic The Gathering. You are right I cannot discard he is a moron (that would make sense too). I don't think the media overreacted given what we know, at least this time.
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Last edited by NeroNoah on Aug 21, 2016, 6:55:13 PM
NeroNoah wrote:
Donald is losing.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Yeah, no. The info is there. Polls were 50-50 in UK (so the result is not that surprising), here Clinton has a clear advantage.

It may dissapear later (I bet no, Trump has burnt many bridges), but currently it's what it is.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't make it any less true.
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Last edited by NeroNoah on Aug 21, 2016, 6:58:59 PM
NeroNoah wrote:
Yeah, no. The info is there. Polls were 50-50 in UK (so the result is not that surprising), here Clinton has a clear advantage.

It may dissapear later (I bet no), but currently it's what it is.

Polls right before Brexit were in favor of remain, ranging from 52-48 to even 55-45 in some polls.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Aug 21, 2016, 7:00:36 PM
It seems to be inside the margin of error.

Anyway, Clinton's advantage is way bigger than that (currently). Also, electoral college.
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Last edited by NeroNoah on Aug 21, 2016, 7:06:05 PM
NeroNoah wrote:
It seems to be inside the margin of error.

Anyway, Clinton's advantage is way bigger than that (currently). Also, electoral college.

How big do you think her lead is? Just curious.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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